Bible and the Qur'an - Basic Differences ...Looking at the basic differences between the teaching of the Bible and the Qur'an

Compare the basic differences between the teachings of the Bible and the Qur'an.


          Basic differences between the Bible and the Qur'an                                      

Bible Qur'an
God is God God is Allah
Monotheistic - Trinitarian (Father, Son, Holy Spirit) Monotheistic - denies the Trinity
Jesus is God in the flesh Jesus is not God
Jesus is the Son of God Jesus was not the Son of God
Jesus was crucified Jesus was not Crucified
Jesus rose from the dead Jesus did not rise from the dead
Jesus - Empty tomb Mohommid - A grave in Medina
Holy Spirit - the 3rd person in the Godhead. He bears bear witness of Jesus The Holy Spirit is the angel Gabriel
Mankind - Man is fallen - a sinner Mankind - Man is basically good
Mankind - Disciples were called Christians Mankind - Disciples declare themselves Muslims
Satan -  The devil is a fallen angel Satan - The devil is not a fallen angel, but a fallen Jinn
Bible - Sixty six Books Qur'an - One Book
Bible - Forty writers Qur'an - One Author
Bible - Written in three languages  Qur'an - Written in one language
Bible - Written across three continents Qur'an - Written from one country
Bible - Written across 1500 years Qur'an - Written within 23 years
Bible teaches - Salvation comes by grace through faith Qur-an teaches salvation comes by sincerity and works
Bible teaches - liberty Qur'an teaches - slavery
Bible - Miracles, numerous are recorded Qur-an No Miracles recorded except claims the Qur'an is a miracle
Worship on Sabbath - then later on Sundays Worship on Friday
Bible - Records numerous and makes prophecies Records nor makes any prophecies


End Notes

Written by Pastor Joyce A. Erickson

Believers Bible School, Founder