The Book of Galatians - Introduction
An introductory study on the who, what, when, why and how of the Book of Galatians. Wonderful background information to know.
Book of Proverbs, Chapter 1
Knowledge, understanding, and wisdom - the essence of the Book of Proverbs.
Book of Proverbs -Background study
This background study of the Book of Proverbs will center on the life of King Solomon and his life. God made Solo.on God made King Solomon the wisest of all kings in the world. What was Solomon's downfall? How did that affect Israel?
Proverbs 16: 9-16 Day 55
King Solomon spoke God's proverbs to pagan king's and leaders.
Proverbs 16: 17 - 24, Monday, day 56
What does King Solomon emphasized most in the book of proverbs? What is God trying to tell us over and over on how to lead our lives, walking on the path he is set before us.
Proverbs 16: 17 - 24, Monday, day 56
What does King Solomon emphasize the most in the Book of Proverbs - what is it that God is trying to tell us?
Proverbs 16: 1-9. Thursday, Day 54
Rich or poor? Does God take care of his own?
Proverbs 15: 19 -33
God has a lot to say about the heart and it's intents. God hates pride and He loves those who are humble in heart.
Proverbs 16: 9-16. Friday,Day 55
In this Podcast, King Solomon is giving godly advice to pagan king's and leaders of other nations. As such commah King Solomon is directing other kings on how to govern their nation.
Proverbs 15: 1- 18. Day 52
This Podcast is filled with mini proverbs to help us in our everyday life.
Proverbs 14: 18- 35 Day 51
What is the eternal future for the Jews under the Old covenant, as well as the Christians under the New Covenant? Is there a difference?
Proverbs 14: 1 - 17 Day 50
We all have times in our life when life just doesn't seem fair and we are faced with the decision to get bitter or better.
Proverbs 13: 13 - 25. Day 49
As Christians, we are all ambassadors for Christ; as such, we need to walk in the wisdom of God as we minister to others.
Proverbs 13: 1-12 Day 48
Wise words spoken by a wise person will bring much reward - in this life and in the next.
Proverbs 12 15 - 28. Day 47
Does God judge believers and unbelievers alike? This podcast addresses that question.
Proverbs 12: 1-14. Monday Day 46
King Solomon emphasizes the importance of gaining godly knowledge, followed by purposing to understand it in order to apply godly wisdom to your life.
Proverbs 11: 16 - 31 Friday day 45
The 2nd half of chapter 11 is filled with many Mini proverbs contrasting good and evil, and how we are to behave to receive God's rewards that will last us for all eternity.
Proverbs 1: 11 - 15, Thurs. Day 44
Sin in this life and eternal judgment is explained in this episode. Our hope in Christ is also given to give us comfort, but also our responsibility as we walk with Christ upon the Earth.
Proverbs 10: 17 - 32 Day 43
In this episode more Mini proverbs of wisdom are given to help us in our everyday life and in the giving out to others to help them seek out God's wisdom for themselves.
Proverbs 10:1 - 16
This chapter is about several Mini proverbs from king Solomon to help us to apply to many areas of our life.
Proverbs 9: 10 - 18 Monday, day 41
It is so important to personally get to know God because God knows our personalities and characters and deals differently with each believer to accomplish his purpose.
Proverbs 9: 1 - 9 Day 40
God in his wisdom has given mankind everything he needs, but man fell into sin. Yet, wisdom cries out to anyone to seek after her. For wisdom is God and is of God.
Proverbs 8 22 - 31 Day 39
King Solomon takes us back To the beginnings of creation to point out how wisdom was in God as he created the heavens and the earth.
Proverbs 8: 15 - 21 day 38
King Solomon gave out wisdom to everyone around him, Including foreign kings and leaders. As such, king Solomon had to have advisors who had godly wisdom about them to assist him in leading over his people.
Proverbs 8 12-14 Tuesday Day 37
Wisdom speaks to those who have a heart of repentance - for the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. What then is the fear of the Lord,
Proverbs 8: 1 - 11, day 36
Wisdom Is calling everyone, everywhere. She calls loud and clear, but who will listen to her?
Proverbs 7:1,27
This episode will point out the blessings the new covenant believers have over the old covenant through what Jesus has done for us. Then we will view the whole chapter 7 of proverbs in an easy paraphrase version with explanation.
Proverbs 6 30 - 35, day 34
According to the law of Moses, what was the consequences of adultery? How, as Christians, do we need to consider adultery?
Proverbs 6: 2020 - 29. Wednesday, day 33.
While this section of Proverbs is a repeat of past versus, there are always some new nuggets of truth to gain in learning God's wisdom. What can Christian parents today do to add to their teachings of Proverbs to their children?
Proverbs 6: 12 - 19 day 32
What are the seven wicked and abominable things that the Lord hates? Do we as Christians ever do the same things?
Proverbs 6: 6 - 11. Day 31
Proverbs 6:6-11 Day 31. King Solomon describes the importance of hard work by giving the example of the ant, which instinctively knows how to work on its own.
Proverbs 6: 1 - 5, Friday, Day 30
What About co-signing for someone in the loan? What does The Bible say?
Proverbs 5 column 14 - 23, Thursday, day 29
God gives, through king Solomon, some words of wisdom for a happy successful and godly marriage.
Proverbs 5: 7 - 13 Wednesday, day 28
King Solomon is warning his sons about about promiscuity with women. This also speaks to us today, and especially parents on the importance of talking to our children about this important subject.
Proverbs 5: 1 - 6, Tuesday, day 27
God gives us a nugget of wisdom here regarding what happens when one goes down the path into sexual promiscuity. Wants to protect his people from any form of destruction.
Proverbs 4:21-27 Day 26
This teaching helps us to stop negative thoughts the very moment we received them by applying the word of God 2 hours thinking.
Proverbs 4: 14-20. Day 25
We learn that King Solomon was teaching the good from the evil to his son; however, we also learn that both king Solomon and his son did not continue to follow in the paths of righteousness; therefore, brought the motion of Israel to ruin. What does that say to us then as believers in Christ if we do not remain faithful to the Lord and his ways?
Proverbs 4: 10-13. Day 24
As long as believers choose to stay on the path of God's righteousness, many blessings follow for those who choose God's ways.
Proverbs 4 1-9 Day #23
King Solomon reminisces back to when his father taught him wisdom as a child. Solomon is passing that same wisdom on down to his son
Proverbs 3: 31 - 35 Day 22
This episode is a little more challenging in it's understanding, so we will go back to the Strong's concordance to look at the original Hebrew meaning to know what King Solomon is saying to us today.
Proverbs 3 27-30. Day 21
This episode teaches us how to reach out, first of all to those less fortunate than us, and secondly, how we need to purpose to pursue peace, supporting our neighbors, And those within hours fear of influence.
Proverbs 3:19-26. Day #20
King Solomon praises and glorifies God in that He is such a loving heavenly Father Who created heaven and earth for the benefit of His most precious creation - man.
Proverbs 3:18-22. Day #19
King Solomon as the wisest man on earth at this time, spent more time teaching his son about the benefits of wisdom and following after the ways of the Lord instead of centering in on God as One Who punishes. All of God's children need to see that God is a loving God, not a wrathful God who is out to punish us
Proverbs 3:11-12 Day #18
In this podcast, we will look at the chastening of the Lord and how it is tied to the training of the Lord. As we examine both, we can see that we have a loving heavenly Father who wants the best for His children.
Proverbs 3:9-10
This podcast explains how we are to honor the Lord with what He has given us, present and future. In addition, God was requiring the Jews, under the Mosaic Law to give first fruits and why they were to give it. What does that mean for Christians today?
Proverbs 3:5-8
In today's podcast, we will learn more on trusting and leaning upon the Lord to see how He directs our path in life.
Proverbs 3: 1 - 4 Day 15
In today's Podcast, we will look on how to gain the favor of God.
Proverbs 3 Life of King Solomon. Day 14
In today's episode, we will look at the life of king Solomon and why he fell. We will also look at the consequences of his actions And how it affected Tim, his family, and the nation of is real.
Proverbs 2:20-22 Day 13
This episode will center on making good and bad choices in our lives. All choices either lead to rewards or punishment. We are responsible for all choices that we make.
Proverbs 2:16,19 Day #12
King Solomon wants to teach his son about staying away from the seduction of the immoral woman. This also applies to us today. This podcast will also teach what the Bible says about sexual immorality as a whole.
Proverbs 2:10-15 Day #11
This podcast teaches us about the spirit, soul, and body of mankind to help understand how wisdom enters into the heart of man. Wisdom wants to not only come into heart, but it wants to reside continuously within the heart to make godly decisions day in and day out.
Proverbs 2:6-9. Day #10
The Lord gives wisdom to those who walk uprightly before Him.
Proverbs 2:1-5. Day #9
In this podcast, we begin to see the benefits of seeking after God's knowledge. They become like treasures of gold snd silver, except God's knowledge and wisdom are eternal.
Prayer: The Language of Worship
This podcast will help you to develop a more intimate fellowship with the Lord by learning about the language of love
Cultivating an Intimacy With God
Cultivating an intimate fellowship with the Lord is more caught than taught. It comes out of a hungry heart wanting to draw closer to the Lord.
Is God Looking For You?
God is always looking for a man or woman with plans and purposes to make a difference in this world for Christ.
The Potter and the Clay
God has a perfect plan and purpose for your life. Can you be moldable for God to perfect His best in you?
Encouraging One Another
An encouraging word can lift someone up and a destructive word can tear someone down.
The Power of the Tongue
Let's talk about the power of negative words.
Dealing With Unforgiveness
To deal with unforgiveness, we must go to the Word of God to see how God tells us to deal with the sin of unforgiveness.
Faith Over Fear
2 Tim 1:7 For God has not given us the spirit of fear, but of power, and of love, and a sound mind.
Controlling Your Thought Life
Tools to help you control your thought life. Phil. 4:8 Finally, brethren...think on these things.
Release Your Faith
Learn how to turn your faith loose and be effective in your life.
Faith's Worst Enemy
What is the #1 enemy of faith? This podcast will deal with the battles that believers have in keeping their faith strong.
Book of Acts, Chapter 13
Chapter 13 of the Book of Acts begins with the commissioning and the laying on of hands over Barnabas and Saul for the work of missionary work in Asia Minor. They begin on the Island of Cyprus and travel to Asia Minor/Galatia to bring a pagan world to Christ.
Book of Acts, Chapter 12
Book of Acts, Chapter 11
Book of Acts,Chapter 10
Book of Acts, Chapter 9
Chapter 9 of the Book of Acts gives the details of Saul's conversion to Christ on the road to Damascus, and his experiences that followed. This chapter closes with Saul going back to Tarsus for several years, and the scenes then turn to the Apostle Peter as he traveled around Judea to minister the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Book of Acts, Chapter 8
There are many lessons a Christian can learn from studying Chapter 8 of the Book of Acts as we are introduced to Saul, who later became the Apostle Paul - his beginnings in how he persecuted Christians. We will learn about Philip the deacon - turned evangelist - as he ministered to the Samaritans, andh ow his obedience to the Lord brought many to Christ.
Book of Acts, Chapter 7
Chapter 7 of the Book of Acts teaches us ow Stephen defended himself, pointing out how Jesus was prophesied by Moses. He was convicted under false charges, becoming the first martyr of the Church. The year was 36 A.D.
Book of Acts, Chapter 6
Chapter 6 of the Book of Acts teaches us about division within the Churh and how the establishment of deacons came about. This chapter also introduces us to Stephen, one of those deacons, who would become the Churc's first martyr.
Book of Acts, Chapter 5
Chapter 5 of the Book of Acts brings out the story of Ananias and Sappira and how they cheated God by lying to the Holy Spirit. This chapter continues with Peter and some of the disciples being arrested again. This time, the punishment for witnessing the Gospel will be more harsh.
Book of Acts, Chapter 4
Chapter 4 of the Book of Acts continues ith a verse-by-verse study as Peter and John are forced to stand trial before the Sanhedrin Council for spreading the Gospel where 5000 men came to believe in Jesus. We will also look at the generousity of the 1st century believers as they shared of themselves with one another.
Book of Acts, Chapter 3
Chapter 3 of the Book of Acts shows the healing of the lame man and the Apostles Peter and John witnessing at Solomon's Porch to thousands of Jews about the Kingdom of God.
Book of Acts, Chapter 2
Chapter 2 of the Book of Acts gives the account of the Day of Pentecost and the coming of the promise of the oly Spirit to the belieers in Jesus as the true Messiah. This Day of Pentecost marks the beginning of the Church.
Book of Acts, Chapter 1
This podcast does is a verse-by-verse study on the Book of Acts. Thus chapter speaks of Jesus' ascension and how the disciples went to the upper room to pray and await the promise of the Holy Spirit.
Book of Acts - Background information.
Any good Bible study always starts with getting some historical and background information on the book studied. This podcast answers the who, what, when, where, why and how about the Book of Acts, to make sure the viewer is prepared and ready to dig into the study of the book of the Bible.
Mistakes Christians Make When Studying the Bible
This podcast is designed to show Christians how to avoid the trap of false indoctrination by learning how to properly study the Scriptures with the purose of getting at the plain meaning of the original text as the writer intended.
1 John - Chapter 3 vs 11-24
The Apostle Paul concludes this chapter by pointing out the evils of the heart and how God wants us to love others - especially those of the household of faith.
1 John - Chapter 3 vs 1-10
As believers in Christ, God calls us His children. What then is our responsibility back to Him as our Father?
1 John - Chapter 2
The Apostle John addresses the believers in the churches in Asia Minor whose maturity is on various levels. His aim is to awaken the Church so they will desire to develop their faith to a deeper level in knowing God. As such, they are then free to lead a righteous life in God.
1 John - Chapter 1
The Apostle John points out how Jesus left His godhead in heaven to come down to earth as a man so pay the penalty of man's sins. The apostle points out the importance of fellowship with Jesus and the importance of fellowship with other like-minded believers.
1 John - Background
Important background information helps to understand the Book of 1 John. The Apostle John introduces the danger of the cult of Docetism that had entered into the churches throughout Asia Minor. If allowed to grow, this would destroy the True Church.
2 Thessalonians - Chapter 3
The Apostle Paul concludes his 2nd letter to the Church at Thessalonica by asking for prayer as he, just as them, faced persecution every day from those who opposed Christ. He finished his letter by teaching them the importance of hard work, and that each believer should work for his own support.
2 Thessalonians - Chapter 2
The Apostle Paul gives solid instruction on the Rapture of the Church and the 2nd coming of the Lord Jesus Christ and what must happen in between during the Tribulation Period. As such, all believers can be comforted in that Jesus is coming soon.
2 Thessalonians - Chapter 1
Chapter 1 is more of an introduction and instruction of how pleased the Apostle Paul is with their behavior in the midst of persecution, and encourages them to continue living holy lives before all men. This pleases and glorifies God.
2 Thessalonians - Background
This short letter to the believers at the church at Thessalonica came unexpected as the apostle got word that false teachers had entered into the church in that city spreading rumors that the Rapture of the Church had occurred and the believers missed it. This letter is to set the record straight that they had not missed the Rapture of the Church - pointing out what events lead up to that event, and what happens after it occurs.
1 Thessalonians - Chapter 5 vs 12-28
The Apostle Paul concludes his letter to the believers at the church in Thessalonica by giving additional instruction to them to help them grow in their faith.
1 Thessalonians - Chapter 5 vs 1-11
In this first half of 1 Thessalonians, chapter 5, the Apostle Paul deals with the issue that believers in Christ do NOT go through the wrath that is coming upon the earth after the Rapture of the Church.
1 Thessalonians - Chapter 4, vs 13-18
In this second half of the 4th chapter of 1 Thessalonians, the Apostle Paul is addressing the question of the Rapture of the Church. He is assuring the believers in Thessalonica that the Rapture of the Church is a future event when the dead in Christ will arise first, followed by those believers who are alive on the earth. Together they will meet Christ in the air to receive their glorified bodies and then be escorted into the Holy City in heaven.
1 Thessalonians - Chapter 4, vs 1-12
This chapter is divided into two episodes because of the vast amount of important information that comes out of that chapter. Here in the first half of the chapter, the Apostle Paul centers on sexual purity with believers and the importance of living a life of holy sanctification before the Lord.
1 Thessalonians - Chapter 3
The Apostle Paul is relieved to hear the Thessalonian believers are continuing in the faith. As such, he gives examples of holiness and sanctification that we too today need to adhere to.
1 Thessalonians - Chapter 2
The Apostle Paul continues his letter to the church at Thessalonica by authenticating himself as an apostle of Christ because certain Jews were spreading terrible lies and rumors about him and his ministry. He was reminding these believers how he had endured terrible persecution in Philippi before he was able to minister the Gospel of Christ to them in Thessalonica. He reminded them he was like loving father to his children, and as such, he was willing to endure the hardships to be able to minister the Gospel to them.
1 Thessalonians - Chapter 1
The Apostle Paul gives welcome to the believers at the Church at Thessalonica and walks through the 1st chapter of the Book of Thessalonians verse by verse, finished by encouraging them they would not have to face the wrath of God that would be coming upon the earth.
Welcome - Revised
Welcome to Believersbibleschool.com where learning the Bible is paramount to understanding the Bible verse by verse through podcasting. It is here where we will take one book of the Bible at a time, one chapter at a time - verse by verse to learn God's instruction for His people.
1 Thessalonians - Background revised
This is a background study of the Book of Thessalonians of the author, the times, and some of the challenges the Apostle Paul faced as he ministered in the city of Thessalonica.