Proverbs - Chapter 30

The Words of Agur! A verse-by-verse study on the 30th chapter of the Book of Proverbs.


Book of Proverbs

Chapter 30

1   The words of Agur the son of Jakeh, his utterance. This man declared to Ithiel—to Ithiel and Ucal:

Proverbs, chapter 30, is a collection of wisdom proverbs from a man known only as Agur, son of Jakeh.  This chapter, as well as chapter 31 also is part of what the men of King Hezekiah gathered together as unpublished proverbs for what we know of today as the Book of Proverbs. 

  • Who then was Agur? Some say this was another name for Solomon; however, that is unlikely because his style of writing is completely different than that of King Solomon. 
  • 1 Kings 4: 30-31 also tells us there were other men of wisdom beside Solomon in his day. And since this is an add-on during the reign of King Hezekiah, Agur could have been a wise man under either king. 
  • Again, asking the question of who was Agur, let's look at the names of his father Jakeh, Ithiel and Ical, as they are also mentioned in the same verse. These four men probably did exist; however, we do not know if they came from during the time of King Solomon or even during the time of King Hezekiah.  It could have been that King Hezekiah added his own chapter of someone who seemed wise in his day.  I lean in that direction.
  • Scriptures gives us no more information on them.  According to well-known Bible commentary interpreter of over 100 years ago - Adam Clarke - Agur could have been a pubic teacher, and Ithiel and Ucal could have been his scholars.  During King Solomon or King Hezekiah's reign, that, however, is only speculation.

2  Surely I am more stupid than any man, and do not have the understanding of a man.  3  I neither learned wisdom nor have knowledge of the Holy One.

We now see a different man speaking from an entirely different perspective.  In all of Solomon’s proverbs, he never referred to himself as stupid or not having any understanding of a man.  Solomon kept speaking forth the wisdom of God throughout the whole book and not of himself, knowing that whatever knowledge he had, it had to come by revelation from God.

  • We know that humility is a role that we are called to live under, but my personal feeling is that we should not refer to ourselves as stupid. That is putting ourselves below other, whereas God considers us all equal in His sight. 

Agur claimed three things in this verse – that he did not have the understanding of a man, he did not learn the wisdom of God, nor have any knowledge of God.

  • Did he mean that he was not one of the prophets of God, having gone to the school of the prophets? This we do not know.  Either way, he was not boasting in himself, but took the route of being humble.  But, what he did say, he received by revelation, just like you or I would as God chooses to reveal it to us and we are able to receive.

4  Who has ascended into heaven, or descended?  Who has gathered the wind in His fists?  Who has bound the waters in a garment?  Who has established all the ends of the earth?  What is His name, and what is His Son’s name,
If you know?

Here Agur is challenging his audience regarding the natural world, finishing with the challenge regarding man’s limitations of spiritual knowledge. 

  • Agur stated here that man can only know a limited amount of God’s knowledge; therefore, we must depend on God’s revelation to us for whatever knowledge He desires to give us.
  • Agur knew of the upcoming Messiah to come, but to what extent, we do not know. He like others who knew and followed the Mosaic Law, looked with anticipation of the Messiah who was yet to come, and He knew that He would be the Son of God.

As New Covenant believers, we can answer Agur’s question on who or what is the name of God’s Son who descended and ascended into heaven!  While the Old Covenant believers looked forward to the upcoming Messiah, we look backward as what our Messiah has done for us.  Jesus is His name, and He came down from heaven to be our Redeemer, to free us of our sins, and to offer us eternal life with Him.     

5  Every word of God is pure; He is a shield to those who put their trust in Him.  6   Do not add to His words, lest He rebuke you, and you be found a liar.

A couple of chapters ago, we looked at the metaphor of dross that was within or covered on metal.  That meant it was filled with or covered by impurities.  God wants his pure knowledge to come forth as shining and useful to us.  To do that, God must remove any dross in us in order for God's metal to be shown pure and useful for us.  The dross is the sin in our life that needs to be removed in us in order for us to see, or receive the revelation, of the pure Word of God.  When the dross is gone and the Word of God has been revealed to us, we can then receive it as coming right out of the mouth of God.

Agur was careful to note that to add or attempt to improve on God’s Word is wrong.   Remember, God's Word is pure - it is us that has the dross in us.   God's Word is truth and perfect and never needs to change.  We can't improve on it, nor do we have the right to change it in any sort of way!  

7  Two things I request of You (Deprive me not before I die):  8  Remove falsehood and lies far from me give me neither poverty nor riches—feed me with the food allotted to me;  9  Lest I be full and deny You, and say, “Who is the Lord?” Or lest I be poor and steal, and profane the name of my God.

Agur was praying a prayer to God in these two verses as a humble man.  He earnestly asked God for two things while he would live upon the earth.

  1. Remove falsehood from me, meaning he did not want to be deceived in any way.
  2. Give me neither riches or poverty.

    - Riches can cause one to keep seeking for more, and having to go beyond measures to protect what you do have.  Often riches brings its own set of problems of pride and arrogance with it. 

    - To be poor has the extreme set of problems, not knowing where your next meal is coming from – always looking for someone to help you, or having to steal to get your most basic needs.

    -  Both the rich and the poor, and everyone in between covet for more riches.

God simply wants us to trust in Him, being satisfied with the provisions that He has allotted us in life.  

  • In all things, Agur did not want to defame God, but give Him the glory that was deserving of Him.  Shouldn’t that be the same prayer for us?  To be rich or poor does have its disadvantages, yet people will always seek to be rich in spite of its difficulties.  

10  Do not malign a servant to his master, lest he curse you, and you be found guilty.

To "malign" means to treat someone harshly, or speak lies of them.  Agur was stating that we should not treat others, including servants, harshly.  That would be referring to servants or slaves during the time of King Solomon and King Hezekiah as well as even servants of today.  This could also refer to employers treating employees harshly, a customer to a waitress in a restaurant, or anyone who is serving you in any sort of way.  That could involve a myriad of circumstances.

  • That includes bringing false accusations against any one who would be serving you.  You could find yourself in a situation where if you lied about someone serving you, damaging or ruining his character, and if he is found innocent, his curse could then come upon you.  Beware! 

    • Remember Haman and Mordecai in the Book of Esther?  Haman ended up being hung on the very gallows he had prepared for Mordecai.  Hamen died and Mordecai was raised up in power by the king.

11  There is a generation that curses its father, and does not bless its mother.  12  There is a generation that is pure in its own eyes, yet is not washed from its filthiness.  13  There is a generation—oh, how lofty are their eyes!  And their eyelids are lifted up.  14  There is a generation whose teeth are like swords, and whose fangs are like knives, to devour the poor from off the earth, and the needy from among men.

In these several verses, Agur brings out sins that are without natural affections as God created mankind to naturally be in every generation.  In other words, there will always be these kind of people in society who rebel against everything.  King Solomon called them wicked fools.

  1. A generation that curses his father and refuses to bless his mother, has no respect or honor for them, and for some, even wish they were dead. 
  2. A generation that does not fear God, being self righteous in themselves.  They have never been trained in the ways of the Lord, blind to their own faults, and because of their sin and rebelliousness, would refuse to be trained.
  3. A generation of prideful people, looking down on others whom they think are beneath them.
  4. A generation of contentious people, angry and bitter at everything in life that does not go in their favor.  As such, they are wicked and vile toward others simply because they cannot get their way.  The poor are reviled by them.

Every generation has these kinds of people.  Sadly, they bring upon themselves the problems they create on their own.  They could be family members, co-workers at work, a neighbor - they are all around us.  

  • The tendency is to look down upon them saying they get what they deserve.  They too, however, are one of God's creation whom He desires to save and change.  As such, they need our prayers for God to get a hold of them to repent and change their ways. Ultimately, however, it will be the person's choice to choose God's working in their life.

15a The leech has two daughters—Give and Give! 

The Bible tells us that the sins of the fathers are passed on down to the next third and fourth generation meaning those who have sinned by abusing others will pass those same traits down to their children.  Here we see that this leech has to daughters who keep saying "Daddy, daddy, gimme, gimme, gimme.  I want, I want, I want! 

  • Agur is pointing out the sins of humanity - where now he is talking about the leech who will take and take and take, using the examples of selfish daughters to their fathers.

15b There are three things that are never satisfied four never say, “Enough!”:  16  The grave, the barren womb, the earth that is not satisfied with water—and the fire never says, “Enough!”

Agur continues on to say that there are four things that are never satisfied, possibly meaning there are more.

  1. The grave.  People continuously die and the grave swallows them up.  
  2. The barren womb is an ache of a childless mother - always wanting to hold a babe in her arms, giving purpose to her life.
  3. The earth never being satisfied with water.  The earth is like a sponge in that it continuously absorbs water.  
  4. The earth that is never satisfied with fire.  Fire upon the earth will keep burning as long as it has fuel.  

God created the earth but Satan brought sin upon mankind and the earth to have these cries of the earth and the human heart.  

  • But let's turn that around to see how God wants us to be satisfied.

God also created within mankind to have an insatiable cry for the presence of God.  Once tasted, God's presence is always desired.  

  • To relook at Genesis 1 before the fall of sin and how God so desired to have communion with the very creation He created is the longing of God's heart.
  • Then to realize what God has in store for those who follow Him, we will be spending an eternity worshiping the Lord.
  • You see, whether you are aware of it or not, there is a longing within your heart, and within the hearts of all of God's people to yearn to worship Him above all else.

My very favorite thing to do is worship the Lord.  There is a such a fullness and satisfaction in my heart everytime I spend time in worship.  That longing never leaves. 

  • If you are listening to me, chances are you feel the same way. 
  • Even after worship, it isn't long and you want to go right back in worship.  You see, God created you to worship Him.  That was His intentions all along.  

When I spent those ten years leading the college, I also led the weekly college prayer group.  I realized the first night of corporate prayer what a huge responsibility and awesome privilege I had to be able to have that kind of influence on all of my students.  Every week we did something different in prayer, but we always started every prayer with worship.  I knew worship was critical for my students to realize what an awesome God they serve, and how He is so worthy and so desires for us to worship Him.  How God loves to be worship, and how worship helped my students to grow more in their intimate relationship with the Lord.  I made a decision that first night of corporate prayer that it would also become a practice in my own life.  I committed myself that night to begin my own prayer time with the Lord in worship,  whether it is public or private prayer.  That was over 25 years ago and I still begin all my prayers in worship.

Believe me when I say, worship is the most fantastic part of prayer.  It is a way of drawing closer to the Lord. Just tell Him you love Him, then worship Him, exalt His holy name, speak out His name - J E S U S - Jesus the name above all names - You are so worthy to be worshiped and adored.  We love you Jesus.

God so wants to be worshiped by His creation, and for His Creation to worship Him as well.

  • Worshiping the Lord is the most satisfying experience in life, yet, it is one that we keep coming back to because we crave it more and more.
  • Nothing excels worshiping the Lord and simply allow Him to love us in return.  It beats any anything or anyone else.

17  The eye that mocks his father, and scorns obedience to his mother, the ravens of the valley will pick it out, and the young eagles will eat it.

A child who mocks and scorns his father and mother is a fool in the eyes of God and in the eyes of society.  Agur uses the analogy of what awaits the child who would be so disobedient and disrespectful to his father or mother - for they are morally and spiritually blind to the evil of their ways. 

  • The consequences for such action  will find him in the same way as  eagles or ravens, or should I say vultures, will spot him out for prey, plucking out their eyes and then devouring them.  For they are morally and spiritual blind and God frowns upon those who refuse to honor and respect their parents. 

The fifth commandment required that all children, regardless of age, should always honor and respect their parents.

Eph 6: 2-3  Honor your father and mother, which is the first commandment with promises:  that it may be well with you and you may live long on the earth. 

Four Wonderful Things Not to Understand

 And now, as we go into verse 18, we begin our episode today with more four things which Agur said he did not understand.

 Proverbs 30: 18  There are three things which are too wonderful for me, yes, four which I do not understand:  19  The way of an eagle in the air, the way of a serpent on a rock, the way of a ship in the midst of the sea, and the way of a man with a virgin.

While Agur gave no advise, which was what King Solomon did throughout his writings, Agur was pointing that there are four things that are too wonderful for our complete understanding:

  1. The way of an eagle in the air: The eagle is so majestic with such powerful wings, yet flies with such grace. 
  2. The way of a serpent on a rock:  The serpent suns itself in the sun, yet is always on guard for any prey.  It slithers over rough rock, yet it does so with smooth ease. 
  3. The way of a ship in the midst of the sea:  While a ship may seem large by itself, sailing in the sea it looks like a speck that could be conquered by the next wave of the sea; yet, it keeps moving forward to accomplish its travel smoothly through rough waters. 
  4. The way of a man with a virgin:  To think that a simple act of sexual intimacy, God created man and woman to produce another life together.

What do these four things have in common?  Nothing except to see the magnificience of God's creation.  Just as Agur said, it is too wonderful for even him to comprehend.

  • Let's take this just a little further to look around at the beauty of nature - the beauty of life, and how God in His infinite mind could create such a beautiful earth.

    • I remember years ago standing on a wharf in California overlooking the ocean with its waves crashing against the high rocks of the cliff next to where I stood.  I found myself praising God for the magnificience of the ocean - the power that it carried, the wonders of the sea, and yet, God created it simply by His spoken Word.

      Gen. 1...In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.  And the earth was without form and void, and darkness covered over the face of the deep - the mass of water.  Then God said.....and one by one, day by day, He formed our earth and the heavens, sun, moon, and stars.  All by the use of His voice - He created.  What an awesome God we serve.  As I stood that day looking out over the ocean, as the waves were crashing against the rock, all I could do is glorify God for being such an awesome God.  Never should we take Him for granted as we look around at what He has provided for us - His children whom He loves so much.

The Conscience of the Adultress

20  This is the way of an adulterous woman:  She eats and wipes her mouth, and says, “I have done no wickedness.”

Agur, sounding more like King Solomon here giving out a proverb, he speaks of an adulterous woman.  Even after commiting sin against God, her sexual partner and herself, she casually eats and continues on as if she had done no wrong. 

  • Her conscience has been seared as to sin, and she considers adulterous activity in the same way as eating - filling an appetite that needs to be satisfied without any sense of guilt or remorse.

Four Things That Trouble the Earth

21  For three things the earth is perturbed, yes, for four it cannot bear up: 22  For a servant when he reigns, a fool when he is filled with food, 23 a hateful woman when she is married, and a maidservant who succeeds her mistress.

Here again, Agur has his list of four things that are amazing or troubling to him.  He is listing here four things that trouble the earth - that just doesn't seem normal.

  • A servant when he reigns:  This seems backward meaning a slave, whose lot in life has been to serve his master suddenly becomes not only a free man, but one who is now being served.  It goes against the social order of society.  Not only does he become a free man, but one who reign over other people.  He has no idea how to think or behave as one who could properly reign over others.  The tendency would be to cause great oppression on the people as a way of getting even for what he has had to endure.  We did, however, have times in history where there were peasant war uprisings where the slaves warred against their oppression.  The roles reversed, causing havoc in the world.
  • A hateful woman when she is married.  A woman, like any other person should never bind themselves to a spouse when there is so much hate within.  It is a breeding ground for abuse and injustice.  Everyone around her will suffer under her hatred. No child should ever be reared under those conditions
  • A maidservant who succeeds her mistress.  Very much like the servatt who reigns - it goes against the social order of society.  Again, the tendency would be to dominate the culture with oppression in the same way she was oppressed by her mistress.

Little But Wise

24 There are four things which are little on the earth, but they are exceedingly wise: 25  The ants are a people not strong, yet they prepare their food in the summer; 26  The rock badgers are a feeble folk, yet they make their homes in the crags; 27  The locusts have no king, yet they all advance in ranks; 28 The spider skillfully grasps with its hands, and it is in kings’ palaces.

In keeping with Agur's lists, he again is listing four things that are little, but wise.

  1. Agur first looks to the ant, who is tiny, having no human training, but yet God created them to be extremely wise.  King Solomon also wrote on the ant, in the context of avoiding procrastion and the importance of hard work.  He wrote on how they prepare their food for the winter in the summer.  They need no leader, but they individual are wise to prepare what is needed.  They are extremely busy, constantly on the move to prepare their food for survival.
  2. The rock badges who don't have speed or strength against any larger predator, but they also are wise, making their homes in the refuge of the rocks.
  3. The locust, who very much like the ant, has no leader, yet they have the wisdom to know how to move in ranks as they move forward to overwhem anything in its path. Left alone, they are helpless, but working together to form swarms of locusts, they can do great damage.
  4. The spider, which uses it skills wisely to go anywhere it wants to - to the rich and the poor weaving a web so fine and so unique to where no man can do.

While these animal creatures are less than desireable for any of us, it does point out the magnificience of the wonders of God.  

  • How is it that these creatures can have the wisdom of God to instictively do what they are called to do.
  • Yet, man can be lazy, rebellious, and do things contrary to God's will continuously.
  • I guess, that is the uniqueness of having a free will.
  • It is also the blessings of being able to live forever - and for those obedient to the ways of the Lord, will live forever with Him.

Four Examples of Things that are Majestic

29  There are three things which are majestic in pace, yes, four which are stately in walk:  30  A lion, which is mighty among beasts and does not turn away from any; 31  a greyhound, a male goat also, and a king whose troops are with him.

1.  A lion which is the mightiest among beasts:  A lion has respect from all other animals.  It moves swiftly, but never retreats from anything it puts its mind on to attack.  That's why the lion is called the king of the jungle.  You never mess with a lion.   

 2.  A greyhound with its grace and speed.   This animal can move fast like flint, setting its mind on its target, yet it moves with grace with every motion, almost majestic in its movement.

3.  A male goat.  A male goat makes himself known within the flock.  It's stubborn and persistant like a mule.


32  If you have been foolish in exalting yourself, or if you have devised evil, put your hand on your mouth.  33  For as the churning of milk produces butter, and wringing the nose produces blood, so the forcing of wrath produces strife.

Agur concludes his writings giving the foolishness in exalting oneself or devising evil in one's heart.  Stop it immediately, put a hand to your mouth.  Be quiet, and do not proceed in your plans.

  • He uses the example of the churning to make butter, wringing the nose which makes one bleed and the forcing of anger automatically produces strife.  Ouch!  It is a waste of time - pure foolishness.

So let's finish this chapter by going back to the beginning.  Agur strongly expressed the importance of leading a humble life before God and man.  In doing so, you will avoid all kinds of problems in life.

  • Just looking at all of these wonders that he wrote about, points out that God is a majestic God Who created us and all things according to His plans and purposes.  He is an awesome God, and we need to continuously remind us we, just like everything else, is one of His creatures.
  • And arn't we grateful that He created us with a will to purposely love and serve Him.  As such, we have been blessed far above all of God's creation.
  • And right back to what I have continously been saying.  God favors His children - He loves us, He protects and takes care of us.
  • What an awesome God we serve!
 God bless!

Pastor Joyce Erickson





Written by Pastor Joyce A. Erickson

Believers Bible School, Founder