September 24

September 24
Luke 1:37

Hand Lettering Wth Bible Verse Nothing is Impossible with God and ...

  • Upon death, the spirits and souls of all men throughout time will leave their bodies and be transported to either heaven or hell. When all of the Old Testament saints died, their spirits and souls were originally transported to Abraham's Bosom (Paradise), located in a separate compartment in hell.[1] Upon Christ’s resurrection and ascension, however, God moved (or created anew) Paradise to be in heaven. All spirits and souls of those without God, however, continue to be transported to hell in the earth upon their death to be tormented night and day awaiting the final day of judgment.[2]
  • God transported His Son Jesus’ spirit and soul when he was crucified and transported Him to Abraham’s Bosom in hell. There Jesus opened the gates of hell to release the Old Testament saints. God then resurrected Jesus from the dead, meaning His spirit and soul joined His dead body and He became a living human being again. He then spent 40 days in His resurrected body with His disciples before He ascended back into heaven.
  • Jesus took with Him the Old Testament saints (spirits and souls), transporting them to heaven. It is possible that the place of Abraham’s Bosom (or Paradise) was then transported into heaven instead of individuals being transported.[3]
  • The spirits and souls of those who have died in Christ since His resurrection will immediately be transported to this Paradise in heaven to await the resurrection of their bodies which will happen at the Rapture of the Church.[4]
  • Under the Old Covenant, God raptured Enoch and Elijah’s (spirit, soul and body) to heaven.[5]
  • God promises to transport Enoch (or Moses) and Elijah back to earth as witnesses for the Gospel of Jesus during the Tribulation Period where they will be killed. Three and one-half days later, God will raise their bodies and then rapture them back to heaven.[6]
  • God promises to rapture the Church (body, spirit and soul together) to meet Christ in the air. The dead in Christ will be resurrected first, and then they will join those alive on earth to all meet Christ in the air where they will receive their glorified Jesus will then escort them into heaven to their eternal home in the Holy City. As promised in Scripture, this will all happen before the beginning of the Tribulation Period.[7]
  • The Tribulation martyrs who come to faith in Jesus Christ during the Tribulation Period will for the most part be killed for their faith. Their spirits and souls will be transferred up to heaven to rest under the altar in heaven until the end of the Tribulation Period when all martyrdom will be completed. At that time, these Tribulation saints’ dead bodies will be resurrected and then they will receive their immortal eternal bodies to live out their lives for the 1000-year Millennium [8]
  • God promises to rapture the 144,000 Jewish evangelists into heaven at the end of the Tribulation Period. These 144,000 Jewish evangelists will be divinely protected by God, having His seal of protection on their foreheads. We know they will be raptured into heaven sometime at the end of the Tribulation Period because we see in Rev. 14:1-3 they are redeemed in heaven worshiping the Lord.
  • Jesus, along with His bride (the glorified Church), will come back (transported) to earth at the Battle of Armageddon.[9]
  • The antichrist and the false prophet will be cast (transported) into the Eternal Lake of Fire for all eternity.[10]
  • Satan and his angels will be cast down (transported) into the bottomless pit for 1000 years.[11]
  • Close to the end of the 1000 years of the Millennial Period, God will open up the bottomless pit and allow Satan and his angels to be transported back to earth where they will deceive many.[12]
  • At the very end of the Millennium, Satan and his angels will be judged and cast (transported) into the Eternal Lake of Fire to join the antichrist and the false prophet.[13]
  • Following the Millennial Period, all spirits and souls in hell will be transported out of hell to stand before God in heaven at the Great White Throne Judgment, only to be cast down (transported) into the Eternal Lake of Fire where they will join Satan and his followers forever. They will never have resurrected or glorified bodies, but will remain as a conscious spirit and soul throughout eternity.[14]

All of this to say is that God is Almighty and anything is possible with Him. He will do exactly whatever He promises us in His Word. We cannot sell Him short because of any questions or doubts we may have regarding how God works His ways. God can transport, resurrect or rapture as He orders to accomplish His purpose as He deems necessary.

To learn more on how God works the impossible with mankind and to get a glimpse into our eternal future, my new book "Rapture Ready?" is now available on


[1] Luke 16:19-31; Eph 4:8-10
[2] Luke 16:19-31
[3] Ephesians 4:8-9
[4] 2 Cor 5:8
[5] Gen 5:24; 2 Kings 2;11
6] Rev 11:12
[7] 1 Cor 15:52; 1 Thess 4:14-17; Matt 1:21; 1 Thess 5:9
[8] Rev 6:9
[9] Rev 19:11
[10] Matthew 25:41; Revelation 19:20
[11]Rev 20:1-10
[12] Rev 20:1-10
[13] Rev 20:10
[14] Rev 20:11-15

Written by Pastor Joyce A. Erickson

Believers Bible School, Founder