July 22 - Psalm 23:6
July 22
Psalm 23:6
Dear Christian friend,
Psalm 23:6 Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life; and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.
What an awesome verse to end this chapter on how God is everything we need - for we have no need for anyone or anything else to bring true joy, happiness, and fulfillment in life. We have seen as we have walked through this chapter on how God's love and protection hovers over us, and as long as we stay under His care, we are safe. It's when we wander off His path of righteousness and gear off on our own path do we enter into the realm of the enemy and vulnerable to his attacks upon us. God, however, like the good shepherd, still reaches out to bring us back into His fold, which means He wants us to stay on His path, which is the right path for us to remain safe and protected against the powers of the enemy.
God gave us the ability to choose whatever path we want to take! When we make wrong choices to wander away from the flock, however, do we enter into the realm of Satan and are vulnerable to his attacks. Consequences then come with those wrong choices. It can begin by carrying an attitudes of fear or negativity, which allows Satan to enter into our world. His spirits then begin to entertain us, bringing on the desires to leave the flock of God's protection. God's love and protection over us is hindered because we have allowed the wrong spirits to entertain us.
All this to say is that our attitude toward life is critical to our success, and sometimes even survival. If we want goodness and mercy to continuously follow us, our thoughts and decisions must be to rely upon the Lord no matter what. As God hovers over us, we simply have to reach up to allow Him to leads us in His path of righteousness. For when we do, His loving hand restores our soul even when we walk through the valley of the shadow of death. We need not fear any evil because God is always with us hovering over us with great care. When our enemies rear their heads around us, God is always there to protect us.
No matter what, goodness and mercy will follow us all the days of our life, and our end reward is to dwell in the house of the Lord forever.
It is then when we will hear Jesus say to us - "well done good and faithful servant - enter into the House of the Lord."