July 18 - Psalm 23: 5

July 18
Psalm 23:5

You Prepare a Table Before me in the Presence of my Enemies: Psalm ...

Dear Christian friend,

Psalm 23:5 5 You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; You anoint my head with oil; My cup runs over.

Saul had become king over Israel by God through the voice of the people even before David was born. As a young lad of no more than 13 years of age, God had the Prophet Samuel anoint young David with a horn of oil as the future king over Israel. Anointing one's head with oil meant separation unto the Holy Spirit for a divine purpose. As such, this anointing, although done in private, announced to David he would one day be the king of Israel. 


Eventually, Saul grew jealous of David's popularity with the people and became embittered toward him.  Saul sought to kill David as he fled the ravaging hatred and jealousy of King Saul, and did so for many years until David finally became king. David would be anointed three times before he stepped into the office of king over Israel.

  1. Prophet Samuel anointed David as the future king when he was a child.
  2. David was anointed king over Judea
  3. David was anointed king over all of Israel

In this verse, King David was reflecting back on how God's provision was there with him even in the worst of times. His table was filled with everything he needed inspite of his surroundings of what looked grim for him. The word "table" here is synonymous with "feast;" and the meaning is, "God provides for my wants." 

Psalms 23:5 KJV Desktop Wallpaper - Thou preparest a table before me in ...

David paints a beautiful picture of God's provision and protection over him, asking that we too trust God in the same way, even in the worst of our times. Even when things look very dark, still God provides a table of blessings for us in the midst of the storm. Even in the presence of our enemies, whether they are physical or spiritual, we need to look at God's provision and protection over us, trusting in Him, no matter what. 

When we choose to trust God no matter how things look, God will always come through with His blessings to where our heart overflows with joy.




Written by Pastor Joyce A. Erickson

Believers Bible School, Founder https://believersbibleschool.com/