July 15-Psalm23:3
July 15
Psalm 23:3
Dear Christian friends,
So far, this chapter in the Book of Psalms is about the Lord's leading in our life. King David, as its author, is reflecting on his own personal walk with the Lord, describing how God continuously watches over him. Using the metaphor of a good shepherd and his lost sheep, he points out that we, as people of God, are like lost sheep needing a good shepherd to guide us. As such, we too can use this same Psalm as a reflection of our own personal walk with the Lord.
Psalm 23:3 He restores my soul; He leads me in the paths of righteousness for His name's sake
When we came to Christ, God not only saved us from the destruction of Satan and eternal damnation, offering us eternal life with Him, as we walk through this life, the Lord becomes everything we need - for when we are down, He lifts us up. When we are discouraged, He encourages us. When we are depleted, the Lord replenishes us. When we are dry, the Lord revives and reinvigorate us when we are exhausted and weary. His path for us will always bring rest - restoration to our soul. In that our soul can rejoice!
He leads me in the paths of righteousness:
Like a good shepherd, the Lord does not lead His children where they should not go, but leads them to places that bring right living. As children of God, He keeps leading us along His path for us so that we don't become spiritually sluggish or lukewarm. Like wandering sheep, if left to ourselves, we would wander away from the LORD and be slow to return. But by His restoring love toward us, He keeps directing us along our path of righteousness. He will even use His rod and staff to stir us back to Him when necessary. Our good shepherd is constantly pursuing us in order for us to walk along His path of righteousness that leads to everlasting life in Him.
For His name sake:
A person's name represents all that they are. It is a summary of their character and reputation. All that God is and does is represented in His name. Everything that God does is to bring honor to Himself. When we follow His leading on the "path of righteousness" that He has chosen for us, His name is elevated and His character is manifested in our lives. We can be certain that whatever glorifies God results in our greatest good. In other words - God's glory becomes our good. They never oppose one another, working in perfect harmony with each other. That would include all areas of our life - personal, family, work, ministry - all aspects of our life. Every step along our life's journey has been prepared by the Lord. There is no alternative route that He wants us to take; however, we can choose to go off the beaten path He has designed for us, suffering the consequences that go with it.
God is constantly guiding our path. The question we need to ask ourselves is: Are we following that path? Are we obeying His Word, pursuing His will in our life? Are we submitted to His authority in our life? If you are one of His sheep, be assured that God will always restore your soul, leading you down His path of righteousness for you, and it will be done for His name sake.
God's glory becomes your good.