February 26 - John 8:31-32

February 26
John 8:31-32

“The Word of God is living and powerful!” | Words to Live By – Word For ...

John 8:31-32…If you abide in My word, you are My disciples indeed. And you shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free.

Jesus had been teaching His deity to a crowd of Jews who had just come to believe that He IS the Son of God. Jesus then gave this promise to them stating - “IF.”

“IF” is a conditional word to receive the promises of God. In other words, there were those who came to believe that Jesus is the Son of God, but for them to experience the freedom from the bondage of sin that Jesus promised, there was a condition. The same applies to us as believers in Christ today. There are many believers in Christ – claiming He is the Son of God - however, they don’t go beyond that belief into experiencing the promises that are offered to those who believe.

Listening for God: If

Jesus goes on to say that “IF” you “continue” (KJV for the word abide) in My Word…in other words, if you continuously live in the promises of what Jesus has taught you through His Word, you are then His disciples. That then tells us that not all believers in Jesus are His disciples. You don’t automatically become a disciple of Jesus just because you believe in Him. There is a condition! You’ve got to continuously live in the words/promises of what Jesus has taught you in His Word to be His disciple.

But then, Jesus quickly gives another promise. As you continue living in His Word, you begin to understand the depths of what He is promising you - as those words goes from your head to your heart. When it drops in your heart is when you truly believe in the promises Jesus gives to His believers, God’s truth then will set you free  from the bondage of sin you are seeking to be free from.

Then Jesus re-emphasized that promise by saying:

John 8:36 Therefore, IF the Son makes you free, you shall be free indeed. 

That is His guarantee!

Question: Are you a disciple of Jesus? You certain can be! 

It begins by believing that Jesus is the Son of God. Then go to His Word (your Bible) and live in the promises in His Word that He is giving to you by continuously reading them over and over until you understand the heart of what Jesus is promising you. You will know when it drops in your heart because you will have the assurance in your heart - you know as you know - that promise belongs to you. Then you can be certain that those words that Jesus promises those believers 2000 years ago are the same promises that He has given to you – and you are then free indeed from whatever bondage (sin) you were in.  

That’s shouting news!

Written by Pastor Joyce A. Erickson

Believers Bible School, Founder https://believersbibleschool.com/