February 16 - Colossians 3:2

February 16, 2024
Colossians 3:2

Col. 3:2 Set your mind on things above, not on things on this earth.

People have used the phrase – get your head out of the clouds, referring toget back to reality.” God, however, wants us to set our thoughts on God and the wonders and beauty of heaven – not of realities of earth.

In the busyness of life, when our minds race at a pace of over 10,000 decisions a day, God wants us to take the time to slow down and quietly think on Him and His Word every day. God has given us the gift of meditation to think, ponder, imagine and wonder about the magnificence of God and how He operates in the world and in our lives. Right now, as you are reminded here of God’s direction for you, STOP and take a few minutes to meditate on the goodness of God and how His goodness is operating in your life. Then don’t forget to thank Him and give Him glory for what He has done.

Written by Pastor Joyce A. Erickson

Believers Bible School, Founder https://believersbibleschool.com/