August 13 - Ephesians 2:6

August 13
Ephesians 2:6

Dear Christian friends,

As we continue to discover the nineteen blessings that we have in heavenly places because of Christ, as listed in the first three chapters of the Book of Ephesians, we see a huge blessing that we can cling to and claim:

Ephesians 2:6 And raised us up together, and made us sit together in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus, 

Because Jesus sits on the throne of God, He also tells us here that as the Body of Christ, we too sit with Him on the throne, having authority.  Not physically yet, but spiritually, we have our authority in Christ over all of the powers of the enemy forces while we live our lives here on earth. 

I once had a vision that I will never forget.  I was up in heaven sitting with Jesus on His right side on the throne of God.  Jesus had His right arm around me and I was nestled up against Him on this gold throne that had huge gold grapes and vines as part of the design of the throne.  I felt so safe, loving, and secure.  Next to Jesus' left was God Almighty sitting very regal.  As I turned my head to the left to look at Him, He was so bright - a white bright to where I could not see Him at all - only the rays of the glow of Him.  The bright light was so powerful. Then I turned my head to look at Jesus sitting right next to me.  I could see His feet and body, arms and hands, but I could not see His face, for it too shown like the face of God, but not as intense.  His face, however, had a golden light filled with rays springing from it. Then Jesus spoke to me with His left hand and finger pointing down to my feet.  I looked at my feet and I saw a stool with Satan underneath it.  His head, like a bobble head was swaying back and forth, with his arms and legs bobbing uncontrollably.  Then Jesus, with His left finger pointing at my feet said, "see, I have given you power over him - pointing to Satan under my feet.  And my vision ended.

What Jesus was saying to me was that I, as part of His body, already spiritually sit with Him in heavenly places.  I have authority in the name of Jesus over Satan and his demonic spirits.  While Satan or his demonic spirits keep harrassing me, I must always remember the power I have from Jesus in that I rule from the throne of God over all the powers of Satan and his demonic spirits.  He is under my feet and that is where I need to keep him - under my feet - helpless and defeated.  Satan has no authority over me, but I have authority over him.

Jesus Christ now sits on the right hand of the throne of God in heaven.  As part of His Body, belonging to Him, that is also our position.  We also sit with Christ on the throne of God. We must see ourselves carrying that authority over the devil and over all evil.

Revelation 5:10 You have made them to be a kingdom and priests to serve ...

A time will come (which is very shortly) when Christ will return for His body, meaning you and I as His believers, and when He returns at His 2nd coming, He will come to rule and reign for the next 1000 years. We, as His body have been promised that we will serve the Lord by co-ruling and co-reigning with Him over the earth under His authority to those who survive the Tribulation Period and the Battle of Armageddon.

While we have spiritual authority over Satan and his evil in our lives in this lifetime, we must remember that this life is our training time for when we will co-rule and co-reign with Christ in the Millennium Period. In Christ's Millennial reign, all evil will be put down as Satan will be bound in the Bottomless for the 1000 years. While the surviving man will still sin, because of the sin nature in mankind, he will not have Satan and his fallen angels to tempt them. We, as Christ's body, will then assist Jesus in the support of righteousness covering the earth.

So then, let's use our position of sitting on the throne of Jesus seriously while we live this life and put Satan down (in Jesus' name) as we purpose to lift up the righteousness of Christ wherever we go.


Written by Pastor Joyce A. Erickson

Believers Bible School, Founder