August 5 - Ephesians 1:10

August 5
Ephesians 1:10


Ephesians 1:10 That in the dispensation of the fullness of the times, He might gather together (in one) all things in Christ, both which are in heaven and which are on the earth.

As we continue to look at the nineteen different blessings we, as Christians, have in Christ as listed in the first three chapters of the Book of Ephesians. We are reminded that each of these blessings comes to us through, because, and in Christ. Without Christ Jesus, we would never see or experience any of these gifts.

As we go into verse 10 of chapter 1 we see that the word word “dispensation” as it is written in the NKJV is rendered "fulfilment," or "fullness of time" as is written in the NASV.  The Amplified states it as the "maturity of time" and the Hebrew Bible says "when the time is ripe."  It becomes very clear that God deals with mankind in periods of time.  There will thus be a time when God will gather together (in one) all things that belong to Him, which are in heaven and on earth. 

The 7 Dispensations In The Bible PDF - CHURCHGISTS.COM

  • There are basically seven dispensations throughout the Bible from the beginning of Genesis until the end of the Book of Revelation, which are sandwiched in between Eternity Past and Eternity Future,  of which the Bible gives us very little information.  God only wants us to know what goes on in this world and the next age of the Millennium - not the world of the past eternity or the world of eternity future.    

Each dispensation of time and its purpose shows us how God has dealt or is dealing with people in the earth.  Within each dispensation God deals a little differently to fit the needs and ways of the people and God's purpose within that dispensation.  

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Here in verse 10, the Apostle Paul tells us that in the fullness of time, Christ will gather together in one all things "in Christ." For thousands of years all of creation has groaned (Rom 8:18-22) and everything wrong will be righted - all according to God's holy love and justice.  In the fullness of time, God is providing a rapture of the Church to bring all things together in Christ. God is pulling all these dispensations of times together into one dispensation in the fullness of His timing  in the twinkling of an eye together to Himself - His family, so that Jesus can rule and reign over the world.

In this chaotic world, we are on a collision course where the fullness of time is drawing closer each day. All signs show that this great event of the Rapture of the Church is about to happen at any time. Right now, in this dispensation of time, we are that forerunner to Christ's imminent coming.  - all culminating together to bring on the next dispensation of time. God will pull everything together - all under Christ.  Hallelujah!

We all need to be rapture ready, for Christ can come any day now!

My new book will be out next month called Rapture Ready? A Glimpse Into Your Eternal Future. Look for more information to come.


Written by Pastor Joyce A. Erickson

Believers Bible School, Founder