April 5 - 1 Thessalonians 5:9

April 5
1 Thessalonians 5:9

1 Thessalonians 5:9 For God did not appoint us to wrath, but to obtain salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ.

This whole chapter is about the Rapture of the Church, which in all appearances is shortly to come within the Body of Christ. As such, God is promising believers in Christ that we are not appointed to the wrath that is coming upon the world, but we obtain salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ. Salvation here means salvation for our spirit, soul and body - our whole being is being saved, and as it means in the Greek  "to be rescued, maintaining health, being saved.

The 3 Parts of Man—Spirit, Soul, and Body

We need to take God's promise that in spite of all that is coming upon the earth, we grasp what it means to belong to the Family of God - the Kingdom of God.  Remember, we are the Body of Christ - the King's kid, being given privileges of being saved, rescued, while maintaining health until the very day we are raptured to meet Christ in the air.


We live in the worst of times, yet the best of times, as we are the blessed in that God specifically placed us on this earth for this time in history. God has entrusted you and me to be His ambassador to rescue the perishing so they too can escape the wrath that is to come upon the earth. The last thing God wants is for His family to live in fear in these end times, but live the good life to ist fullest in the power of the resurrected Christ. We have the privilege of living each day as a special day the Lord has given us to share the good news of Jesus with whomever we meet.


Today, be on the lookout with everyone you encounter. Look for opportunities to share Jesus, and as you do, the Lord will open up opportunities to where you can make a difference in someone else's life. Life doesn't get much better than that, knowing God is using you to make a difference in this world at this time in history.



Written by Pastor Joyce A. Erickson

Believers Bible School, Founder https://believersbibleschool.com/