April 4 - Matthew 6:10

April 4
Matthew 6:10

Matthew 6:10 Your kingdom come, Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.

We have prayed this verse as part of the Lord's prayer probably all of our lives. Most of us have prayed it in reference to having the righteousness of heaven come down upon the evils of this earth. I personally believe that Jesus had a dual meaning to this verse because in the first part of this chapter Jesus is giving His disciples instruction on how to live upon the earth in this present age, but in the last part of this same chapter He told His disciples to not lay up treasures on earth, but in heaven. "For where your treasure is", Jesus said, "there your heart will be also."

What's Next on God's Calendar


The next event on God's calendar is the Rapture of the Church. For 2000 years God has been setting things into place for Jesus' return as the world progressively gets more wicked. While the early disciples expected Jesus imminent return, God knew it would take a period of time when the "whole" world would become so evil to where He would have to intervene. We are now at that time, and as such, we need to be "Rapture Ready."  As we see Israel set up in place for end-time prophecies to be fulfilled, we also see wars upon wars and gross evil operating on every continent upon the earth. While God has made awesome provisions of escape for believers in Jesus, the world will increase in its evil as God's next event of the Rapture of the Church will bring on the terrible Tribulation Period and the 2nd coming of Christ. That will introduce the 1000-year Millennial Period when Jesus rules the earth and prepares the earth for God's Kingdom to come down upon the earth.

Image result for come Lord Jesus come

In the last chapter in our Bible, Jesus told the Apostle John to write "Surely I am coming quickly." The apostle's response was "Even so, come Lord Jesus! So then let that be the cry of our heart as we see dark days get darker. Just know that Jesus is coming very soon to rapture His Body up to Himself, and so we can honestly pray "Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.



Written by Pastor Joyce A. Erickson

Believers Bible School, Founder https://believersbibleschool.com/