April 22 - Hosea 3: 6a

April 22
Hosea 3:6a

Hosea 3:6a My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge...

Because God's people refused to hear the voice of God, they took on the knowledge of the world. God was asking His people under the Old Covenant to return to Him. Instead, they followed the ways of the world, which put them in Satan path of temptation of following after other gods.  They listened to the wrong voices and as such, they were eventually destroyed as a nation.

It is no different today. We listen to the voices of experts out there telling us we should believe this or that, and often times we have no idea that it runs contrary to what the Word of God is telling us to believe. We hear voices of politicians with promises of a better future, our government creating more and more laws of permission as we watch society change in front of our eyes, health care mandates that make no sense whatsoever, and we wonder if they are correct in the information that we are being fed with.   Sadly, today's worldly knowledge is not God's knowledge, and when we rely simply on the knowledge of the world's system, which is very often contrary to God's knowledge, we will eventually be destroyed, just as Israel was once destroyed. 

5/7/2017; Whose Voice are You Listening To?; Rev. John Dehne; 9:15svc ...

Whose voice are we, as God's people listening to? We can be certain that we are hearing God's voice when we (1) begin our belief system in the Word of God, (2) stay strong in our belief system by staying in the Word of God, and finally, (3) not deviate from the Word of God no matter how convincing something out in the world may seem even though it runs contrary to the Word of God. The Word of God always has to be our final authority in everything we believe in.

Our Final Authority – PASTOR DARRYL BAKER

So then, as a believer in Jesus Christ, let's make the Word of God as our final authority in all aspects of our life. Then we can be certain that we are hearing from God and not the system of the world.  I encourage you today to make your Bible your constant companion to help you make the right decisions every time.

Written by Pastor Joyce A. Erickson

Believers Bible School, Founder https://believersbibleschool.com/