April 16 - Ephesians 2:10

April 16
Ephesians 2:10

Ephesians 2:10  For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.

This verse follows verses 8-9 where the Apostle Paul tells us we are saved through our faith in Jesus - it is God's gift to us. All we have to do is believe and receive. Now in verse 10, he tells usd that once we are saved, God has as call and a purpose for our life. God actually created us for good works to be used for the Kingdom of God. He had you and me in His heart long before we were born, and as such, He created us as His workmanship. Looking closer at the word "workmanship," we see that we are each unique - we are God's masterpiece.

REMEMBER WHO YOU ARE! Stephen Hawking, Ignorance, I Am Not Afraid ...

Whenever we find ourselves feeling down and out of sorts, all we have to do is remember this verse, in that we are God's masterpiece, and He created us unique for a plan and a purpose. God then expects us to walk in His plan and purpose for our life, knowing that we are a masterpiece of God, and there is no one else that even compares themselves to us. We are that special in God's eyes.

Ways To Say ALSO - English Study Here

So then, can you right now speak out to yourself as an affirmation and confirmation "I am so special and unique to God, and He created me as His masterpiece. I am one of a kind. So then, I purpose to walk in that masterpiece today. Lead me on today! Thank you Jesus!

Written by Pastor Joyce A. Erickson

Believers Bible School, Founder https://believersbibleschool.com/