2. Angels God's Purpose for Man

Chapter 2

There are over 300 scriptural references that speak of various kinds or ranks of angels; however, their numbers are not known. [i] The Bible speaks of legions of angels, and one legion is 6000 angels.  This leads us to believe there could be millions, billions, or even trillions of angels.

  • Scripture points out in Psalm 91:11 that we have angels to guard each one of us in all our ways.  The world presently has 8 billion people.  If God provides us one angel apiece, that would mean that the number of guardian angels would exceed 8 million angels.
  • In addition, there are many other different kinds of angels, as will be pointed out below.

Angels, as spirit beings, were created by God with the purpose of serving Him and His creation.  God created angels with a free will just as He later would with Adam and Eve - having the purpose of weeding out those who would become unfaithful to Him.   Even though God knows who are the faithful, God only desires those who personally would choose to be faithful to Him.  Angels, however did not have temptations to sin because sin cannot occupy heaven; furthermore, most angels were obedient to God’s authority.   Lucifer, however, chose to rebel against God, taking on the sin of pride, in an effort to take over God and His throne.  He enticed 1/3 of all of the heavenly host of God's angels to exercise their free will as well as then follow after him to take over heaven's throne (Rev 12:7-9). There was a war in heaven with Michael the arch angel of God, and Lucifer and his host of angels fell from heaven like lightning (Luke 10:18).  They now roam in the heavenlies.  Sin became associated with Lucifer and his angelic followers, where they all now had a sin nature/evil within them.  Lucifer lost his authority in heaven and became known as the dragon, adversary, having many names that dispict his character.  He, however, is primarily known as Satan or the devil in the Scriptures and his followers as fallen angels or demonic hosts.

  • The difference between Satan and his fallen angels from mankind is that angels cannot repent because there is no substitutional sacrifice for their sins.  While mankind had animal sacrifice under the Old Covenant and Jesus' sacrificed blood under the New Covenant, Satan and his hosts of demons have no sacrifice for the redemption of their sin.  In other words, they, unlike mankind, can never be redeemed.  Their doomed fate is certain.  Because sin begets sin, Satan and his diabolical schemes grew more evil as time continued on.   

 Ranks of Angels

Scripture lists five ranks of angels:

1. Archangels:  Highest rank

  • Michael – Warring angel (Dan 10:13 & 21, Rev 12:7).
    - The name Michael means “Who is like God.” He is a top angel with many angels under his authority.
  • Gabriel – Ministering angel (Dan 8:16, 9:21, Matt 1:20, Luke 1:19, Acts 8:26).
    - The name Gabriel means “The mighty one of God.” He is also a top angel, having many angels under his authority. 
  • Lucifer – Rebellious angel (Is 14:12-17; Ezek 28:12-15; 2 Pet 2:4-5; Rev 12:9).
    - Lucifer was one of God’s top angels who had authority over the earth. A time came, however, when he wanted to be above God, so God had to put him down.

2.  Seraphim: - Means “burning ones.” (Is 6:1-7)  

  • Each seraphim has six wings (three pair). Two pair are used to cover their faces, two to cover their feet, and two to fly with. When fanned, they can be completely engulfed in wings.
  • Seraphim are worshipping angels who cry out “Holy, holy, holy, is the Lord of hosts. The whole earth is full of His glory.” [ii]

3.  Cherub or Cherubim: Specific kind of spiritual angelic being. (Ex 25:18-20; Ezek 1:6-8; Heb 9:5).

Each cherub has four faces – the front as a man, the right as a lion, the left as an ox, and the back as an eagle. 

  • Cherubims have two pair of wings – one pair spreading out from the middle of the back, and another pair used to cover the whole body. The pair on the back is used to fly with. Four human hands are located under each wing. They each have legs as men, but feet cloven like calves feet, shining like burnished brass.
  • The duties of the cherubim included guarding the entrance to the Tree of Life in the Garden of Eden after the fall into sin by Adam and Eve.
  • Two golden cherubim were also instructed at God’s command and were placed at both ends and on top of the ark lid in the tabernacle of the Holy of Holies.
  • Their main role is to praise God.

4. Living Creatures: (Rev 4:6-9, 5:8, 6:1, chapters. 3,5,7)

  • The Living Creatures are similar to the Cherubim and the Seraphim; however, they are in a separate class by themselves. Their numbers are limited to only four. Each Living Creature has a different face, all covered with eyes, both in front, behind, and on the inside. They see everywhere. One of these angels has the face of a lion, another the face of an ox, another the face of an eagle, and still another the face of a man. 
  • Living Creatures are praise and worshipping angels. Without ceasing, they “proclaim God praises day and night.” In other words, they continuously praise the Lord. [iii]

5. Common angels: Ruling and guardian angels.

  • Most people think angels have cupid doll faces with curly or long blond flowing hair, wearing white robes, and having wings.  There is no place in Scripture that identified angels in this fashion.
  • On the contrary, angels have been known to be massive in height, overpowering mankind.

  • Common angels do most of the work and consist of the greater number of angels. They are separated into six different levels of authority.

        - Principalities                - Powers
        - Thrones                       - Authorities
        - Dominions                   - Might

When Lucifer fell from heaven with his fallen angels, they were part of God's rank of angels in heaven.  Keeping rank and authority, we see in Ephesians 6 there are now rulers of darkess and spiritual hosts of wickedness added to Satan's demonic hosts in the heavenly places as well that continuously battle against God's angels who also roam the heavenlies.

6.  Guardian angels:

All of God’s people have at least one guardian angel watching over them. They are sent to minister to those who are heirs of God’s salvation (Heb 1:1:14; Psm 91:11-12).

God’s angels have a multitude of duties: (Luke 16:22, 22:43 Acts 5:19-20, Acts 10, I Cor 4:9, Heb 1:14, Rev 20: 1-2, Rev 21:12).

  • They have proven to be obedient to God, ready at every command to do what is needed. [iv]
  • God’s angels are very powerful and stronger than Satan or any of his forces of angelic demonic beings. On the command of God, they are bound.
  • They impart God’s will.
  • They watch over God’s people.
  • They continuously fight for God’s people, protecting them as believers ask God to put His angels to work.
  • They bring answers to prayer.
  • They strengthen God’s people when in trouble, and minister to them when the need arises.
  • They can appear in dreams. 
  • They receive the saints at death.
  • Angels also guard the twelve gates in New Jerusalem, securing who may or may not enter into heaven.

Here are some additional things to know about God’s angels: (Gen 18:2,4,6, 19:1-22, Judges 13:6, 2 Sam 14:20, 2 Kings 2:11-12, 6:13-17, Psm 103:20, Mark 8:38, Luke 2:13, 15:10, John 20:12, 1 Cor 13:1, 15:40, Heb 13:2, Rev 4:8, 12:11-21, 18:1)

  • While they have spiritual bodies, Scripture points out they can take on physical bodies as the need arises from time to time. 
  • They are powerful.
  • They need no sleep.
  • They appear and disappear to the human eye.
  • They speak, having their own language.
  • They are holy. 
  • They are wise.
  • They are joyful.
  • They sing.
  • Many angels wear white garments. 
  • Some ride horses in heaven.

There have been a few people who have personally seen angels.  They are large in stature - all over seven feet tall and up to 16-18 feet tall; however, they can also take on human form (Gen 18:2) - that of ordinary men like they often did in the Old Testament.  They are all male in gender, being of strong muscle and bodily power.

My husband I experienced one of God's angels many years ago when we were desperately looking for our teenage son.  We were led to go to a certain business establishment.  A "so called" person appeared as an employee, looking very normal in his work clothes who suddenly appeared before us and gave us direction on how to find our son.  As such, we miraculously found him and brought him home.  When we returned to the establishment the next day to thank him, the place did not have anyone like him in their employment, nor had they or any other employee heard of or seen him.  We suddenly realized God blessed us with an angel to guide us to our son.  As such, we experienced the hand of God over our lives.

God created angels as servants, and never should they be worshipped (Col 2:18-19)God is our Creator, and it is He Whom we must worship; angels are simply created beings.

Angels are spirit beings, having bodies that can be transformed as needed.  As spirit beings, they will live on forever - some with God, and others in the eternal Lake of Fire.


Click here to view Chapter #3 - "Lucifer"

End Notes

[i] Wilmington Guide to the Bible. Tyndale House. Pg 776
[ii] Wilmington Guide to the Bible. Tyndale House. Pg 776
[iii] Wilmington Guide to the Bible. Tyndale House. Pg 778
[iv] Wilmington Guide to the Bible. Tyndale House. Pgs777-779

Copywritten by Joyce Erickson - God's Purpose for Man

Written by Pastor Joyce A. Erickson

Believers Bible School, Founder https://believersbibleschool.com/