Galatians (Epistle) A chapter-by-chapter, verse-by-verse study of the Book of Galatians. Bible (NT) Galatians (Epistle) Galatians (Epistle) - Introduction This introduction introduces us to the life of the Apostle Paul, known prior as Saul of Tarsus who became a Pharisee to the Sanhedrin Council of the Jews in Jerusalem. He had a visional encounter with Jesus, which dramically changed His life, of which he became the 1st apostle of Jesus who witnessed the Gospel to the Gentile population of the world. The Book of Galatians explains the trouble he had with the Judaizers in his ministry and the importance of keeping the Gospel pure. This Book also gives great detail to the importance of knowing the foundational difference between the Written and the Oral Law. Galatians (Epistle) - Chapter 1 The Apostle Paul defends his position as an apostle of Jesus Christ, explaining how he was trained under Christ through the power of the Holy Spirit for three years in Arabia. He then states how these Galatian churches have been deceived by Judaizers who came after him to discredit him. He then begins to again give these new believers the core truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Galatians (Epistle) - Chapter 2 Chapter 2 gives us the reason that the Apostle Paul wrote to the Galatian churches. In that, he exposes the Judaizers for who they were and the dangers of following their arguments against the Apostle Paul. Galatians (Epistle) - Chapter 3 The Apostle Paul comes down on the Galatian believer in Christ for believing the lies of the Judaizer. He then gives examples of how Abraham lived by faith and not work, showing that salvation in Christ does not come because of the Law. The Law was fulfilled in Jesus. We live by faith and not the curse of the Law - the traditional Oral Law. The Law was our teacher to teach us right from wrong so that we can now, in Christ, live by the promies of God. Galatians (Epistle) - Chapter 4 The Apostle Paul begins to show believers the promises of God in Christ. He begins to show that we are no longer slavesunder the Law, but we now have freedom from the Law. Galatians (Epistle) - Chapter 5 Throughout this chapter, the Apostle Paul emphasizes and re-emphasizes the importance that we understand that as believers in Christ Jesus, we have been set free from the Law, meaning the traditions of the Oral Law. We are no longer bound in the chains of our sins, but we have been set free through Jesus Christ. Galatians (Epistle) - Chapter 6 The Apostle Paul winds down his letter to the churches in Galatia with some important information of how to treat a brother who sins and how to bear anothers burdens. Written by Pastor Joyce A. Erickson Believers Bible School, Founder