Ephesians - Chapter 6
The Apostle Paul centers on marriage and children and how believers can receive their blessings here on earth and in the ages to come. He finishes with teaching believers how to put on the armor of God for protection against the enemy forces.
The Book of Ephesians
Chapter 6
Children Obey Your Parents...
In The Lord
1 Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right. 2 “Honor your father and mother,” which is the first commandment with promise: 3 “that it may be well with you and you may live long on the earth.”
This command supports the fifth commandment that God gave to Moses on Mt. Sinai. It is also the first commandment that comes with a promise. "Children obey your parents so that things will go well with you and you may live long upon the earth."
This command is pretty straight forward - children obey their parents. But, just as important as the child's command to obey his/her parents, the parents have the huge responsibility to teach their children how to obey.
- We all were born with a sin nature from the fall of Adam and Eve, therefore, disobedience comes naturally for everyone. By teaching the children to obey his/her parents, the children will grow up more plyable to obey God, even whether they understand his ways or not. They need to be trained on how to live. Children have to be taught to do the right thing.
Prov 22:6 Train up a child in the way he should go,
and when he is old he will not depart from it.
- Obedience, then must be taught to everyone in order to live a peaceful, long life. That is God's order of things, as we have seen throughout the last two chapters.
- Another clause to this command is the parents' command to teach their children in the ways of the Lord. In other words, teach our children how to obey the Word of God. Disobedience must be punished, so that obedience can be learned. Remember, they are children, and do not have the capacity to understand sin and its consequences yet. So we need to lovingly teach them right from wrong early in their life.
- God commands that children obey their parents as the parents obey the Word of God.
- Should, however, the parents' discipline be counter to the Word of God, the children are vulnerable to the abusive disipline of the parents. Abuse, however, is more than physical abuse, but neglect in any way that prevents a child from reared and taught by loving, caring, and nurturing parents. Sadly, many children are being abused by their parents in many, many ways.
As Christian parents, we all want obedient children who grow up in the ways of the Lord who then become godly adults. That then points out the command of parents to lovingly discipline their children in the ways of the Lord.
Part of the disciplining of children is to teach them to honor their father and mother so that when they becomes adults, they will continue to honor their parents. While honor does not mean obedience, it does mean that children, whether a child or adult child to honor their parents throughout their life with love and respect and to make sure they are taken care of in the same way their parents biblically took care of them.
- With that command comes a promise. This promise from God is a long and prosperous life here on earth. Most people, believers and unbelievers alike, have no idea of this promise, and life would be so much better for millions of people if they just got a hold of that commandment and promise that God gave to us thousands of years ago.
4 And you, fathers, do not provoke your children to wrath, but bring them up in the training and admonition of the Lord.
Fathers first have the responsiblity to be spiritual example to and for their children. Before you, as as parent, can train your own children, you must be in a position of controlling your own self, walking in the ways of the Lord. Sadly, when a parents does not walk in the ways of the Lord, they can only teach their children from out of the resevoir of their upbringing or training. That is why each generation must learn the ways of the Lord and pass those ways on down to their children. The mother, as a helpmate to the father assists the father in the training, but ultimately, God holds the fathers responsible for the disciplining of the child.
- We see here words such as training and admonition, which simply means encourage and rebuke. In other words, in the disciplining of the children, a father encourages as well as rebukes. You can't continuously rebuke, giving out unkind words or punishment without edifying and encouraging the children when they do good. Encouragement and rebuke must be combined with training and teaching. That is done by raising their children on the Word of God.
- When a parent treats his children with harsh parenting, it provokes the children to hate the father because of the abuse they are experiencing. God is telling us that parents should not provoke their children wrath.
5 Bondservants, be obedient to those who are your masters according to the flesh, with fear and trembling, in sincerity of heart, as to Christ; 6 not with eyeservice, as men-pleasers, but as bondservants of Christ, doing the will of God from the heart, 7 with goodwill doing service, as to the Lord, and not to men, 8 knowing that whatever good anyone does, he will receive the same from the Lord, whether he is a slave or free.
We can also say here bondservants as employees and masters as employers. Whatever our work is, whether slave or free, then and now, we must do as if we are working for Jesus; because in reality, we are!. The words “as to Christ” change our entire perspective as workers - workers for Christ. Our Bibles tells us here we are to serve with fear and trembling, with sincerity of heart. While we are serving man, we are serving God, as hard workers, doing the business of heaven while we are attending to the business on earth.
9 And you, masters, do the same things to them, giving up threatening, knowing that your own Master also is in heaven, and there is no partiality with Him.
Just as hard as the servants, or workers are told to work hard as unto the Lord, masters, or leaders are told to do the same thing to their servants or employees.
- Harsh treatment given out by leaders to those under them are forbidden. These leaders will be judged by God in heaven.
The Whole Armor of God
10 Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might.
As this letter comes to a close, the Apostle Paul tells us our place in Christ, and how to walk in it. First, we must be strong in the Lord and in the power of HIS might. Secondly, we then put on the whole armor of God. He compares this with a foot soldier preparing for battle. As such, we need to be equipped for battle because the enemy continues to interfere with our lives, so we must be equipped to defeat him.
To be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might means we have a spiritual strength that will endure. Any soldier preparing for battle must go through "boot camp" to get strong and prepare for the battle at hand. As Christians the, we cannot be lazy, but we must purpose to build ourselves up in our faith. It takes dedicated work to get strong in our faith. In order for our faith to endure, we must then have a reserve of power faith for when we need it. Then by faith, we do all we can, and then God works in us when we can't.
- For some of us, even as we get older, is to purpose to grow in our physical strength as well. God has a plan and purpose for each one of us, and to be used mightily by the Lord until the end, we need to have the spiritual and physical strength to endure all that God has for us to do.
To be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might then means feeding ourselves with the right fuel, and to exercise to keep us strong in order to endure. Physically, we do that by eating properly and exercising to keep our muscles strong. Spiritually, we do that by feeding on the Word of God and to exercise our faith by walking and living out our faith in our everyday lives. Again, we do what we can, and lean on the Lord for the rest.
11 Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.
When we are strong in the Lord and in the power of His might, God equips us for the battles that lie ahead in our lives. Our equipment begins by putting on the armor of God. While Jesus is the One Who defeated Satan, He now shares that armor with us. The armor of God is meant to stand against Satan's plots and schemes as he ruthlessly tries to attack us.
12 For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.
The Apostle Paul announced that our battle is not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, power, and rulers of darkness in heavenly places. In other words, our battle is spiritual warfare against Satan and his army, not a battle against other people.
This we know of Satan: In Revelation 12, supported by Isaiah 14 and Ezekiel 28, a war broke out in heaven after Lucifer, an arch angel of God wanted to overthrow God and His throne with the purpose of taking over his position. He convinced 1/3 of God's angels to side with him in this war. Michael, another one of God's arch angels, and the rest of God's angels fought him, and Lucifer and his angelic followers were cast out of heaven. Lucifer then took on the name of Satan or the devil. Throughout Scripture, he is known by many names, such as Beelzebub, adversary, and others names that dispict his character. In Luke 10:18 Jesus told His disciples that He saw Satan fall like lightning out of heaven, meaning Jesus was in heaven watching this battle. In the Garden of Eden, Satan, filled with vengeance against God, was found using a snake purposing to deceive Adam and Eve who were enjoying this beautiful earth under the direction of God Almighty.
- We all know how the story continues: Adam and Eve were given authority over the whole earth when Satan came to deceive them. Adam and Eve fell to the temptation of Satan by eating of the forbidden fruit and sin entered into the world. When they fell, Adam and Eve simply handed the reigns of authority over the earth to Satan. As such, Satan became the god of this world; however, his time is limited, and soon to expire. With him were 1/3 of God's angelic hosts who had left their allegience with God Almighty, giving it to Satan. So Satan and 1/3 of the angels, now known as Satan's angels roam in the heavenlies between heaven and earth. In Eph 2:6-7, the Apostle Paul calls Satan the prince of the power of the air. Satan created an army with these fallen angels by giving them ranks of authority - principalities, powers, rulers, and spiritual hosts of wickedness who all roam in the heavenlies that encircle the atmosphere between heaven and earth.
- Principalities carry the highest authority under Satan. They are like general and they give orders to the Powers. They have control over countries on the earth, and you can tell what kind of fallen angels they are by who is in control. Evidence can be seen in China, North Korea, Russia, Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, and other godless nations.
- Powers and Rulers of Darkness have control over certain states, provinces, or territories in a country. Take for instance, the various states in the United States. We look at Nevada with its gambling, drugs, prostitution, and crime that comes from within that state. Then there are states where crime is in abundance over other states - New York, Illinois- which Chicago being a crime capital, California, and even in Minnesota.
- Spiritual forces of wickedness in high places: These are the main demonic forces causing most of the trouble. These are the easiest to identify their name by the sin they cause, such as idol worshipers, unforgiveness, hatred, adulterers, homosexuality, child trafficking, etc. These spiritual forces of wickedness can enter into people to cause the sin to go deep rooted within a person.
- These demonic spirits can even be seen hiding within the Church to stop a move of God from moving among the people.
- There may even be some which will possess animals, as we see in Scripture.
- That being true, then you also can bet that he has demons, devils, evil spirits under his control who are just like him.
Throughout the Old Testament we don't see a lot about Satan. One of the reasons is God did not want to expose Christ throughout those thousands of years until Satan would be defeated.
- Satan did, however, go before before God to destroy righteous Job. While God gave limited permission to him, Job did lose a lot, but God revealed Himself to Job, and Job became the victor over Satan.
- The Book of Daniel (Dan 10:12-13) also speaks of spiritual rulers operating in the heavenlies over Persia, and it took 21 days before Daniel's prayers were answered because God's angels and Satan's angels were doing battle in the heavenlies.
- We know that Satan entered into Judas, empowering him to betray Jesus (Luke 22:3).
- Then, we will see Satan rise again at the end of the age during the reign of the antichrist. Satan, himself will enter into the antichrist to take over the world (Rev 16:13-16).
For Satan, a nonbeliever is easy prey and they generally stay within his grips because their hearts are blinded to the Truths of God and His Word. For a true believer in Christ, however, Satan has some real challenges, because Christians (those who follow the Word of God) know how to use their weapons against him.
Satan's purpose is to rob, kill, and destroy whenever and wherever he can. He wants to control the hearts and minds of all people. His fallen angels, or demonic spirits roam in the air, but then purpose to attach themselves to individuals, and often these demonic spirits enter into people to take possession over their minds and hearts. As such, they are in the grip of Satan. Christians, on the other hand, have the indwelling Holy Spirit living within them so no demonic can enter into their heart. Demons, however, can attatch themselves upon Christians causing great damage. Satan's battle is also defeat righteous Christians, because in doing so, he is working toward defeating God. Therefore, our battle then is to defeat Satan and his army hosts in the heavenlies with the weapons that we have at our disposal. Our arsenal is mighty to the pulling down of these strongholds.
Satan's Limited Power
While Satan is in full control of those who give themselves over to him, whether they are aware of it or not, we must never forget that Jesus defeated Satan and his demonic hosts when He went to the cross. In addition, when Jesus went to hell after His crucifixion, He made an open display and triumphing over Satan's demonic hosts who are held in captivity in the lowest part of hell who are held in reserve for judgment at the end of time. These demons entered into women to create giants upon the earth as we see in Genesis 6. Jesus announced that He is head over all principalities and power, and they were defeated at the cross. While many of Satan's angels still roam the heavenlies doing battle with God's angels, that doesn't stop Satan and his forces from going after those who are weak here on earth. While Satan's time is limited here, he is still the god of this world directing his demons to possess and overtake them as well as harrass Christians, we as Christ followers have weapons that are mighty in God for the pulling down of Satan's strongholds (2 Cor 10:3-4).
We must always remember that Satan (formerly Lucifer) was originally a created being by God. All of the demonic spirits that follow Satan were also once created angels of God as well. I said "created" beings, being they are all only able to be in one place at a time. Satan himself can't be everywhere - only one place at a time. So, if he is harrassing or possessing someone, he can't be possessing someone else at the same time. But he does have legions upon legions (probably millions or billions) of demonic spirits, who also are created beings and can only be in one place at a time, that hold rank and obey him.
God's Vision of Defeating Satan
My vision: While I have spoke of this vision from the Lord before, it bears repeating here, as I believe it will help us to get a better understanding of the power that we have in God.
While in prayer early one morning, the Lord showed me a vision of me sitting with Jesus on the throne of God. I knew from Scripture that I am seated in heavenly places in Christ, so I knew that my vision was a true vision from God.
- I was sitting on a gold throne that had clusters of gold grapes all over it. The throne was more like a "U" wide shaped bench and I was sitting at Jesus right side, and He had His right arm around me. I was snuggled into his breast and felt so at peaced.
- Next to Jesus was God, sitting very regal. As I lifted my head up to look at Him, His whole self was filled with a white glow - so bright and sparkling with rays to where I could not recognize Him. I knew it was God however, remembering a verse from the Old Testament that says that no man has seen the face of God. I not only could not see His face, but His whole body was part of this white glow.
- I then looked up at at the face of Jesus sitting next to me and saw this beautiful yellow glow like the sun. I could not see His face, but I did see His white robe, arms, hands, and feet.
- Jesus then took his left hand and pointed down at my feet. I then looked down at my feet and saw this small footstool. Under the footstool was Satan, kind of like a midget bobblehead. He was bobbing his head, arms and legs totally out of control.
- Jesus then said to me, "see, I told you, that he is under your feet," meaning Satan himself and all those spirits in his army. Then the vision ended.
- I have never forgotten that vision. The Lord reminds me of it many times. It is a constant reminder that Satan and all of his demonic powers are already defeated. Everyone of them are under my feet, and I have authority over them all.
So then, let's look at the armor that we have over Satan because of Christ Jesus.
13 Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.
Paul wrote this letter to the Ephesian church while in prison. He was in the custody of Roman soldiers standing guard at his door by day, and chained to him at night. So when he spoke of the armor we have to fight Satan and his army with, it was easy for him to look at the equipment of his guard and see how God has equipped the believers against Satan.
- We need the whole armor of God, not partial armor, so that we can stand against all the schemes of Satan and his demonic hosts everyday.
- Each aspect of this armor symbolizes different areas of our life that enable us to stand against the spiritual attacks of Satan and his demonic hosts.
14 Stand therefore, having girded your waist with truth, having put on the breastplate of righteousness,
Stand, not sit - in other words when you fight against Satan, you need to be strong in your faith.
Gird your waist with truth: A common practice among the Israelite when they went to battle was to gird their loins with a belt. The same was true of a Roman soldier began putting on his armor by girding his loins with a leather belt over his clothing that wraps around his abdomen. The belt is not an ornament, but held all of his clothing in place. It is also is a tool that holds all his clothing snug when he has to gather all of his clothing around his belt so that he has free movement of his legs to fight in battle. When not in battle, the soldier often took off his belt to relax.
- Spiritually, we are speaking of the belt of Truth - the Truth being the Word of God. We need to gird ourselves with the truths of God's Word which holds everything together. Without that belt, our fighting would be ineffective, giving the enemy much advantage. When our belt holds everything together, we have the freedom to fight Satan and his demonic hosts effectively. If the spiritual soldier did not have the belt of Truth, everything else would fall apart.
Put on the breastplate of righteousness: The soldier would then put on ther breastplate which provides essential protection over the vital organs.
- Spiritually, we put on the breastplate of righteousness for our spiritual protection. Righteousness is received by faith in Jesus and knowing our right standing with God. Again, that comes by knowing and living the Truths of the Word of God.
15 and having shod your feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace;
One of the most important weapons a Roman soldier needed was good footwear. Slipping on rocks or in the mud or having sprained ankles would make him easy prey to the enemy. For protective footwear, that meant the bottoms of their sandles or shoes were studded with sharp nails so he could get a good grip on the ground. They were the combat boots of 2000 years ago. No one can fight effectively or effectively go about his business without this equipment.
- Spiritually, when we shod our feet with the "preparatation" of the Gospel of peace, we purpose to go in peace whever we go. We do not go out to battle others, but to bring the Good News of the Gospel of Peace. Is 52:7 reminds us how beautiful are the feet of those who who bring good news, proclaiming peace and salvation. As Christ followers, we purpose to bring proclaim the Good News of peace and salvation to a dying world who needs Jesus.
- Being prepared means we are always ready, flexible to bring forth the Gospel of Jesus Christ, but purpose to do it in peace and love.
16 above all, taking the shield of faith with which you will be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one.
In a Roman battle, bows and arrows were the weapons used to fight one another. Above all, and obviously, a shield was the most needed for defense and protection. The shield was meant to cover the whole body as many darts were flinging against the soldier.
- Spiritually, we all need protection from the darts of Satan and his demonic hosts. The best defense then is our shield of faith. Since Satan's hosts are always looking for an opportunity to attack, we must wear our shield of faith at all times. We build our faith by hearing and hearing by the Word of God. In other words, purposing to renew our minds to the Word of God continuously.
17 And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God;
The Roman helmet, known as cassis, of 2000 years ago were made out of leather and covered with metal pieces, studded together to form a helmet. Studs and rings were also used as decoration. Attached were ear pieces and neck guards to protect the neck, sides of the face, including the ears. Only top leaders wore the brushes on the top, distinquishing them as certain leaders. The brushes ran from red to yellow or black.
The helmet was an important piece of protection for the Roman soldier, because head wounds could kill a soldier. It protected the mind, which gave the soldier the ability to think and function.
- Spiritually, the helmet of salvation is a protective gear relating to our assurance of salvation in Christ Jesus. When we put on the helmet of salvation, we are protecting our minds against the attacks of the enemy. Most battles begin in the mind, so our minds need to be continuously assured of our salvation - that we belong to Christ Jesus. We belong to the Kingdom of God - not the kingdom of darkness. The enemy tries to tempt us to doubt God and His Word; therefore, our though life and our core beliefs need to be protected.
The sword is the weapon against the enemy. While all of the other weapons are defensive weapons, the sword is the only offensive weapon to be used on the enemy. All the training the soldier has had, he is now ready for battle. It is time to use the sword against the enemy.
- Spiritually, if you have noticed, is that all of the defensive weapons in the armor of God shows us that we need to know the Word of God to effectively be protected from the enemy? Now as we take the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God, here is where we speak God's Word against Satan and his demonic forces. There is so much power in the Word of God.
- We can see now why the Apostle Paul had us learn our defensive weapon first - that being the Word of God. To know, understand, and rely upon God's Word for our defense. Then when we are strong, we will know how to effective use our offense weapon - Speak it out against Satan, for when we do, we put him under our feet. There is so much power in the Word of God.
- When God gave me that vision of Satan being under my feet, he is there under my feet because I have the authority to use the name of Jesus and the power of His Word to cast him away. He absolutely has no power when we use our authority over him.
- So let's keep getting the Word of God down deep into our heart so that we can faithfully put on our weapons to defend ourselves, and speak the Word of God boldly to Satan so that we render him completely helpless in our lives.
Pray Always
18 praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, being watchful to this end with all perseverance and supplication for all the saints—
The battle can now be fought, and it is done in prayer. Pray always - as the Apostle Paul tells us in another verse - pray without ceasing. Always have prayer on your heart. Pray all kinds of prayers.
- Individually in your prayer closet - outloud or silent - whisper or shouting
- On your knees or prostrated before the Lord - or even walking prayers
- Praying in the Spirit as the spirit leads
- Praying for others -even from a list if you are led that way
- In a group - group prayer
- Worship prayers, praise and thanksgiving prayers, pleading prayers.
- Eloquent prayers or simple prayers
- Crying or groaning prayers
- Fervent prayers
- Just pray - pray always throughout your day.
- Wherever you are and whenever throughout the day - pray
In your prayers and supplication (meaning to plead with God) pray in the Spirit.
- If you have ask for and receive the gift of tongues, pray in tongues, because it is the Holy Spirit praying through you to God.
- However you pray, be earnest and fervent in your prayers as you pray in and through the Spirit
Knowing the Word of God and praying consistently is the key to not only growing strong in your faith, but learning how to battle Satan head on. It isn't that you necessarily have to go through the girations of verbally speaking that you are putting on the armor of God, its whats behind each weapon that needs to be used. It all comes down to knowing and applying the Word of God as needed.
- Commanding Satan, however, isn't praying to God. It's commanding Satan. In other words, when I am commanding Satan, I am not praying to God. I use my authority and speak in faith and put him in his place. I render him helpless. You don't have to be commanding all day long because that just puts your focus on Satan and not God. Just know that in faith, you have authority over Satan or whatever demonic spirit is coming against you, and command him to stop in the name of Jesus. When you speak in faith and using the name of Jesus as your authority, those demonic forces have to bow and surrender. Then go about your business of praying or playing - whatever you were doing.
Get in the habit of praying for other believers, so we can all support one another in prayer. Whether you pray from a list or as the spirit leads, just pray.
19 and for me, that utterance may be given to me, that I may open my mouth boldly to make known the mystery of the gospel,
The Apostle Paul was now asking the Ephesian believers to pray for him so that he could effectively and boldly speak out these mysteries that we have learned through these six chapters of Ephesians to others.
- He has taught them (and us today) many mysteries that were hidden in the Gospels - all that they have in Christ.
- He taught them (and us) the importance of the Word of God - meaning the Old Testament Scriptures, along with the letters of his revelations of Truth that Jesus had given to Him of those Scriptures, and the importance of prayer.
- He not only taught many doctrines on the New Covenant Church, he taught them (and us) some foundation teachings of the Church, families, parents, children, and how to work together as one in unity together.
- He taught them (and us) how to protect themselves spiritually against Satan and his demonic forces - which all comes from being built up in the Word of God.
- He taught them (and us) the importance of prayer and how we can use the armor of God to protect us in life.
- Then in conclusion, the Apostle Paul was asking for prayer for himself - so that the very thing he taught the Ephesian believers (and you and I today) so that he could boldly and effectively continue to teach that same message to others.
- In addition, he was in a house prison awaiting presence before King Nero, with hope to be freed. He was probably seeking prayers for his freedom as well. History shows that he was, and he went on to preach the Gospel for two more years. He was then caught again by Nero, who had changed drastically in his attitude toward Christians by then. Paul was arrested, put in a dungeon prison to await his execution.
Can we too prayer for one another - to have the boldness to speak forth the Gospel to whomever God calls us to minister Jesus to?
- When the apostle told us to pray always, whenever, however, that includes praying for other believers within our sphere of influence, as well as those we believers worldwide. We are all one in Christ, belonging to the Kingdom of God. Let's pray for one another.
20 for which I am an ambassador in chains; that in it I may speak boldly, as I ought to speak.
Paul called himself an ambassador for Christ in chains, as he was a house prisoner, but he also effectively preached the Gospel to whomever came to visit him as well as those he wrote letters to. His purpose was to preach the Gospel whenever and however he could. And he did!
- With the help of the prayers of all the saints, the Apostle was able to finish the call on his life to preach the Gospel to everyone as far as he could reach.
A Closing Greeting
21 But that you also may know my affairs and how I am doing, Tychicus, a beloved brother and faithful minister in the Lord, will make all things known to you; 22 whom I have sent to you for this very purpose, that you may know our affairs, and that he may comfort your hearts.
The Apostle Paul had a brethren and a traveling company by the name of Tychicus who came to him in his house prison in Rome. Tychicus was to be the messenger of this letter to bring back to the Ephesian Church in Asia Minor. The apostle was ending this letter by saying the Tychicus will fill in the blank and details of anything else they may want to know about the Apostle Paul and his letter to them. Tychicus was also sent to assure the people to keep growing in their faith, and what is happening to the apostle while in prison was according to God's plans, and that they should comfort one another.
Closing Benediction
23 Peace to the brethren, and love with faith, from God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. 24 Grace be with all those who love our Lord Jesus Christ in sincerity. Amen.
Paul concludes this letter just as he began it - giving out a blessing of grace and peace to his audience. To those who sincerely love Jesus, he ends again - grace and peace be unto you!