Release Your Faith

Turn your faith loose

Release Your Faith

Turn your faith loose

Faith in God and His ability to work in you and through you is a foundational principle of the Bible.  It is the key to experiencing the promises we find in God's Word.  Faith is a gift - a gift that needs to be received, opened, and experienced to be operational in your life. 

Eph 2:8-9  For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast

When you first accepted Jesus as your personal Savior and Lord, God gave you the gift of faith through the power of the indwelling Holy Spirit.  As such, God wants you to receive and surrender to that gift by trusting, relying upon, and giving obedience to your faith. Released faith will bring you to places that you, in your natural abilities, could never attain.  You do, however, need to know how to release that faith - how to turn it loose.

Two Kingdoms in Conflict

There are two kingdoms running side by side.  One is Satan's kingdom and the other is God's Kingdom.  Which one we live in is a matter of our personal choice.

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Satan's Kingdom God's Kingdom
Evil Good
The ways of the world Living God's way
Living for self Living for others
Rebellion Surrender
Fear Faith
Final Destination - Eternal Lake of Fire Final Destination - Heaven

One kingdom leads to eternal punishment with Satan and the other leads to eternal life with God. 

Conflicting Voices

There are many voices around us.  Voices of truth and voices of lies.  In the world of today, lies are being perpetrated everywhere, appearing to be good, even by many in authority over us whom we have trusted over the years.  We must decide who or what we listen to.  We can turn on the news and decide to let those negative words tear us down, or go to the Word of God and prayer, trusting that God will do what He promises in His Word in our life.   We decide whom we have faith and trust in.

Fear Grips

The opposite of faith is fear.  Fear grips and holds people in bondage causing rational people to make irrational decisions, simply because they are walking in fear.  We are seeing that being played out continuously in the world around us.  It is amazing how rational people can be so deceived as to believe the lies that surround us daily.  Because of fear, they get entangled in that web of deception.  As Christians, we need to understand how Satan operates when he uses people to perpetrate those lies, which pull them into that same kind of fear, bringing them into that same bondage as the fearful in this world.  They then wonder where God is in all of this turmoil.  Christians should never live that way!   Christians need to put their trust in God, knowing that He loves them and wants to take care of everyone of His children.  His children all belong to the Kingdom of God and need to live accordingly.

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Faith Brings Hope

God tells us in Romans 10:17 that faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God.  After we have heard and received God's Word of faith, have you noticed that a glimmer of hope is generated within you?  At that point of time, you have to choose whether you are going to dismiss it as wishful thinking or take it and declare that you believe and receive it by faith.  

  • Has sickness and infirmity, or even death of the pandemic scare you?  Or have you chosen to trust that God is your source.  Psm 91 tells us that no plague will come near your dwelling when you live in that secret place in God.  It is there where you rest and are safe under His shelter.
  • Are you in need of healing?  In the natural, things look grim, and fear may have gripped you.  God's Word, however, gives promises that by Jesus' stripes you were and are healed (1 Pet 2:24).

Points of Contact

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To activate our faith, I have learned that setting points of contact is extremely helpful in receiving what I have been believing for.  For instance, in the Bible where the woman with the issue of blood decided in her heart that when she touched the hem of Jesus' garment, she would be healed, and she was.  Her hope turned into faith, and when she acted upon that faith, she received.  She chose her point of contact when she would receive and she received what she believed for (Mark 5:24-35). 

Jesus paid the price for our healing 2000 years ago when He took on 39 strips and was crucified on the cross, shedding His blood for our sins.  That means all believers were healed 2000 years ago.  Healing already belongs to everyone who claims Jesus as Lord and Savior.  It is part of our salvation in Jesus Christ.  Jesus has been there all along to manifest our healing.  When we individually choose to receive is up to us.  Often I need to build up my faith in that area first before I am at a point of being ready to receive what I am believing for.  When I am ready, I then choose to receive, knowing that Jesus is there to give me what I have been believing for.

  • For instance, when I believing for healing, I first of all choose to build my faith in that area.  I spend time looking for scripture passages that support what I am believing for.  I repeat those scriptures over and over until I have it deep in my heart.  When it is settled deep within me that Jesus is my healer and I am ready to receive, I can then act on that faith to receive.  I then use a point of contact in the receiving process.  Often it could be someone praying for me with the laying on of hands.  When those hands touch me, I have chosen to receive my healing at that moment.  Often those hands become hot, and I just let that heat from those hands soak in and I just breath in the healing from Jesus.  Healing at that point could be instantaneous or it could be progressive. 
  • Other points of contact could be when I pray with others without hands being laid on me - just using that situation as my point of contact.
  • What I mean is - I have set a point of contact when I am ready to receive my healing.  While it is not the point of contact that heals, it is Jesus who is doing the manifestations of healing.  The point of contact is simply for me as a point of reference.

Faith is Your Servant

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Faith in God's ability is your servant, meant to be put to work on your behalf.  It will not only change you, but will change the environment around you.  Only you, and you alone, can choose if and when to let your faith work for you.

God's Weapons in You

In my years of walking with the Lord, I have learned that God has given me everything I need to release my faith into action. 

1.  The indwelling Holy Spirit:  When I accepted Jesus as my personal Savior, God sent His Holy Spirit to dwell within me.  The Holy Spirit not only guides and empowers believers, the Word of God tells us in 1 John 4:4 that greater is He that is in us than he that is in the world.  God in you is far more powerful that Satan who rules over this world.  We must believe the Holy Spirit is continuously ready to work on our behalf.

2.  Angelic power:  Every believer in Jesus Christ has at least one guardian angel watching over them to protect and minister to them.  Psalm 91 tells us that God has given His angels charge over believers in Jesus - to watch over, protect, and take care of them, even if they foul up from time to time.   Heb 1:14 tells us that God's angels are sent to believers to serve them.  While we do not worship or pray to angels, we emplore God to have them work on our behalf.  When we do, we simply trust they are operational in our life at all times.

3. The blood of Jesus:  Jesus came to earth specifically to shed His physical blood on the cross of Calvary to deliver mankind back to God.  To those who accept Jesus into their life, God offers salvation through the blood of Jesus.  Jesus' blood saves, protects, heals, cleanses and delivers His body.  When we believe the blood of Jesus works on behalf of all believers in Christ, and works against the devil and his demonic hosts, it will work for us.

4.  The name of Jesus:  The name of Jesus is our authority in prayer to reach God.  As such, only those who have accepted Jesus as Lord and Savior have the right to address God in heaven as their God in prayer.  God can only be the Father to those who know Jesus.  Jesus told His disciples that when they pray, pray to their Father in heaven (Matt 6:6).  We address God in prayer because we too are Jesus' disciples.  He is our Father, and He is the One we are praying to.  When we close in prayer, however, we use the name of Jesus as our authority to pray to God.  When we believe God is our heavenly Father, and Jesus, His Son, died for us, the name of Jesus will work fo us.

5.  The armor of God:  Jesus has given His body armor to fight against Satan and his demonic hosts.  According to Ephesians 6:10-18, we

  • (1) gird our loins with truth, meaning we live by the truths of the Word of God. 
  • (2)  We put on the breastplate of righteousness, meaning we live in righteousness as laid out in the Word of God. 
  • (3)  We shod our feet with the preparation of the Gospel of peace, meaning our lives are governed by peace, as laid out in the Word of God,
  • (4)  we put on the helmet of salvation, meaning our minds, as believers, saved by Christ, go forth in peace wherever we go. 
  • (5)  Finally, we take the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God.  The Word of God is our basis for how we live our lives. 

As such, we live out the armor God in all we do, say, and believe in everyday.   This is important to believe and act upon.

6.  Our faith:  It is the act of our faith in Jesus that saves us.  That, however, is only the beginning.  In order for our faith to work on our behalf while we are here on earth, we must believe that He is and that He is a rewarder to those who diligently seek Him (Heb 11:6).   If we don't believe that God has equipped us with these weapons to work on our behalf, our faith remains dormant and useless.  We must put our faith to work, trusting that all of God's weapons work for us. 

Steps to Releasing Your Faith

As a final conclusion, and to summerize this article, keep in mind the following steps to releasing your faith:

1.  It is important that you pay attention to which voices you hear.  When you keep your eyes and heart on God's truth, you will not pay attention to the lies surrounding
     you.  You belong to the Kingdom of God.  Live in it.
2.  Don't allow fear to steal your faith.
3.  Build up your faith until you are ready to receive.
4.  You set the time when your faith is turned loose - you choose.
5.  You must put action to your faith.  Faith without works is dead.
6.  Your faith has a point of contact. 
7.  There is no distant barrier when you turn your faith loose...God is always ready when you are.



Written by Pastor Joyce A. Erickson

Believers Bible School, Founder