Biblical Cosmology
What does the Bible say about the cosmology of the earth? Is it different from what science teaches us? Or can science and the Bible come together?
Biblical Cosmology
Biblical Cosmology, in its truest sense, is the most widely misunderstood doctrine in all of the Bible for all times. Sad to say, not all Christians agree on every doctrine of Scripture, which includes biblical cosmology. One thing is certain: God's Word strongly differs from what science of today claims as truth regarding the cosmology of the earth, yet most people, including Christians, want to blend science with the Bible.
You may ask: Why would science differ from what the Bible says? One word - GOD! Take God out of the picture, then all control is put in the hands of man, or in science's understanding of man and our world. Take God out of the picture, how can you witness Jesus and eternal salvation when people don't even believe in God? When a society takes God out of the picture, Satan then takes control over man and evil becomes the norm of that society.
What you are about to learn in this article could either repel you or drive you to dig deeper into God's Word to discover what God has to say about the beginnings of time. Whether you agree or disagree, I ask that you pray and purpose to completely read this article, researching the various scriptures so that you can learn biblical cosmology in its most organic form as given by God to His people instead of what science has taught you all your life as being truth. Hang on, and hopefully, this research will allow you to see another perspective, based on 47 years of deep biblical study of our English translated Bible, taking its Hebrew meanings from a Jewish perspective - in other words, how God gave it to Moses, and Moses gave it to God's people, the Jews. Bible dictionaries and other critical reference resources that are pertinent to the discovery of proper and literal interpretation of Scripture are also used.
My purpose is to give you, as an English speaking Gentile Christian (non Jewish), who comes from an entirely different world of perspectives, in a different age and time, the correct meaning of Scripture in its original context. This whole article is based on the plain text of Scripture, supported by its Hebrew meaning of the original source text, Bible dictionaries, and other reference resources that are pertinent to the discovery of proper and literal interpretation of Scripture.
The Battle of the Ages
Satan, since the world began, has waged war against God, desiring to overthrow Him from His throne. He coersed one-third of all of God's angels to side in with him in this battle. His purpose: Rule and control the world from God's throne, using anyone who would follow after him. He, however, along with all of the angels he convinced to side with him were thrown out of heaven by Michael and the angels of God.
Revelation 12:7 & 9 And there was war in heaven, Michael and his angels waging war with the dragon. The dragon and his angels waged war. And the great dragon was thrown down, the serpent of old who is called the devil and Satan, who deceives the whole world; he was thrown down to the earth, and his angels were thrown down with him.
Isaiah 14:12-13 “How you have fallen from heaven, O star of the morning, son of the dawn! You have been cut down to the earth, You who have weakened the nations! “But you said in your heart, ‘I will ascend to heaven; I will raise my throne above the stars of God, And I will sit on the mount of assembly In the recesses of the north.
Luke 10:18 And He (Jesus) said to them, “I was watching Satan fall from heaven like lightning.
Satan was found in the Garden of Eden upon God's beautiful created earth convincing Adam and Eve to eat of the forbidden fruit on the Tree of Good and Evil. Against God's spoken command to not eat of that tree or they would die, Adam and Eve chose to listen to Satan and ate of that forbidden fruit. From that moment on, the knowledge of good AND evil entered into their heart and the DNA of mankind changed. While their spirit and soul, made in the image of God remained, their physical bodies did die, just as God warned them. The tragedy in all of this is that the majority of the people throughout history and throughout the world are now following Satan's lies as truth as this world is getting more and more evil and Satan is gaining more and more control over the populous of the people throughout the world. If you believe in the Bible, God and Satan, good and evil, and that there has been a war going on between God and Satan for 6000 years for the souls of men, this article attempts to give you a biblical foundation for those facts.
Who Do We Believe?
Within the first chapter of the Book of Genesis science makes several false claims of which strongly opposes the teachings of the Scriptures. What then is "biblical cosmology - what does the Bible have to say on how the earth began?" As believers, it is important that we carefully examine these oppositions that science protrays as truth through the lenses of Scripture to see what God has to say in these matters regarding the foundation of the earth. This article will attempt to point out biblical truth so we don't rely on what is simply coming from the mind of man.
1. Science's false claim - there is no God:
In the first verse in the Book of Genesis, chapter 1, God gave His opening statement by claiming who He is and what He has done. He acknowledges that in the beginning He was - "In the beginning God!" Before the beginning of any creating of this world, God was and still is God. He never changes!
- Science, however, wants to omit any reference to God, claiming He has never existed. As such, all of the discrepancies that science wants the world to believe is based on the premise that there is NO God. That, however, is a lie!
Gen 1:1 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. NKJV
Proverbs 8:23 I have been established from everlasting, from the beginning, before there was ever an earth.
2. Science's false claim - the Big Bang Theory (planets and the solar system):
In that same first verse, we find another one of science's false claims regarding the beginnings of creation, claiming everything began by a big bang millions or even billions of years ago, thus creating what became known as the Big Bang Theory - or what science refers to as the "cosmology of the earth."
- This big bang theory was first suggested by a Belgian priest Georges Llemaitre in the 1920s, claiming the universe began from a "single primordial atom and expanded to where it resulted in exploding gasses and asteroids, or possible fallen meteoroids, thus creating the planets and the solar system." He continued to claim this expansion, which he called the universe, and that it keeps expanding into other universes as space continues to grow larger and larger.
- By design, science has set the narrative of omitted any mention of God or intelligent design Who was involved in the creation of this world, claiming science has all the answers as to the cosmology of the earth.
God, on the other hand, declared in His Word that this "world" (not the word "universe"), was created by Him and formed by His spoken word. In other words, according to the Bible, there were no such thing as exploding gasses, astroids, fallen meteroids, solar systems, planets, space, universe or universes even listed in the Scriptures. As such, science's Big Bang Theory (or science's cosmology) is a lie, having made-up words and ideas by the scientific community and goes contrary to God speaking the "world" into existence by His spoken Word, as we see in Scripture.
God created within mankind a knowledge that there is a God who created him. In spite of all the indoctrinations of mankind claiming there is no God, mankind still searches for a god outside of himself because he was created by God to search for God.
- Greek mythology came out of that thought in that gods exist in the form of strong beings watching over them. It began as oral traditions of man, but over the centuries Greek mythology came into being with hundreds of gods roaming in the heavenlies. Eventually, they took on names, characters, stories of gods who watch over the peoples of the world.
- From that came the ideas of other worlds out there, which brought about the ideas of other planets and even universes. Have you noticed that all "so called" planets are named after Greek or Roman gods. That, however, has nothing to do with biblical cosmology.
Gen 1:1 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. NKJV
Heb 11:3 By faith we understand that the world has been created by the word of God so that what is seen has not been made out of things that are visible. NASV
The Bible refers to the heavenlies as only having the sun, moon, and stars above the earth to give out light and darkness - day and night. You will NOT find the words "planet," "universe," "solar system," or even "space" listed in any authorized version of the Bible, meaning King James Version or any other authorized version. Only in recently years has the word "universe" been added to the English Standard Version because it a modern terminology for a scientific term. It required re-interpreting the ancient language of the Hebrew text to fit in with modern-day understanding of the heavenlies. That does, however, changes the whole meaning of what God meant by the "world."
How Did God Create the Earth and the Heavenlies
Gen 1:2 The earth was unformed and void, darkness was on the face of the deep, and the Spirit of God hovered upon the surface of the water. (Complete Jewish Bible CJB)
When God first created the heavens and the earth, Scripture tells us that everything was a huge mass of water, having no form, completely void. God's Spirit hovered over the surface of the waters.
Day One - Day and Night
Then God said: "Let there be light, and suddenly the waters lit up.
God divided the light from the darkness. God, however, distinguishes that this light was not the light from the sun, for the sun had not been created until Day #4. This light was the light from the glory of God coming down from heaven.
Revelation 21:23 The city does not need the sun or the moon to shine on it, for the glory of God gives it light, and the Lamb is its lamp.
Day #2 - The Separation of the Waters
3. Science's false claim - Space and universes beyond the solar system
The next false claim that science tells the world is that there is massive space outside of the earth creating the earth's solar system and space growing from beyond to many planets and infinity space of many universes that keep expanding.
These thoughts are so contrary to Scripture where there is absolutely nothing in the Bible to verify any of those claims. So let's go to the Bible to see what God has to say:
On the second day, God separated the waters by placing a "firmament" inbetween - something that was "firm" to divide and hold the waters apart. This "firmament," is referred to in its Hebrew meaning as a "visible arch in the sky" as well as supported by several biblical scholars and commentators.
Let's look at several versions of scripture of Genesis 1:6 to see the wording "firmament" to make sure it means a "visible arch in the sky."
Gen 1:6, NASB: Then God said, 'Let there be an expanse in the midst of the waters, and let it separate the waters from the waters.'
#7549 Firmament
(Hebrew meaning)
From raqa'; properly, an expanse, i.e. The firmament or (apparently) visible arch of the sky
Sometimes it is necessary to go even deeper to gather a fuller meaning. When that happens, studying from the Brown-Driver-Briggs or the Gesenius Bible Lexicons are very reliable sources for Hebrew interpretation. Other reliable sources are Bible dictionaries. The Easton Bible Dictionary says it quite nicely what the Strong's Concordance reveals.
Easton Bible Dictionary
From the Vulgate firmamentum, which is used as the translation of the Hebrew raki'a. It denotes the space or expanse like a visible arch in the sky appearing immediately above us, rendered as a solid body. It denotes solidity as well as expansion. It formed a division between the waters above and the waters below (Genesis 1:7 ). The raki'a supported the upper reservoir ( Psalms 148:4 ). It was the support also of the heavenly bodies ( Genesis 1:14 ), and is spoken of as having "windows" and "doors" ( Genesis 7:11)
Most Bible versions use the word "firmament," which its root meaning in Hebrew means a "visible arch in the sky" or "expanse," which means the same thing. It is "firm." To make things as understandable and easy as possible, we will take the word "firmament" or "expanse" and simply use its Hebrew meaning of "visible arch in the sky," or how it is presented in the Complete Jewish Bible (CJB), by using the word "dome."
Gen 1:7 CJB God made the dome and divided the water under the dome from the water above the dome; that is how it was, 8 and God called the dome Sky. So there was evening, and there was morning, a second day.
The word "firmament" is listed seventeen times throughout the Old Testament in the books of Genesis, Psalms, Ezekiel, and in the book of Daniel. In all seventeen verses, the word "firmament" means a "visible arch in the sky." Since a"visible arch in the sky " or "dome" over the earth is so contrary to what science has claimed for so long, and foreign to most people, it is easy to think that these two verses are a metaphor or a myth, or fabricated man-made meanings to say something it does not mean.
- We need then to ask ourselves whether God would put such wording in the Scriptures seventeen times in four of His books to confuse His people, or did He place them in His Word so that His people would believe "Him" over what "mankind" could imagine throughout the ages?
DAY #3 - Dry Land and Seas
Gen 1:9 God said, "Let the water under the sky be gathered together into one place, and let dry land appear," and thus is how it was. 10 God called the dry land Earth, the gathering together of the water he called Seas, and God saw that it was good.
The mass of waters were divided into two sections of water. Then God, with His spoken word placed a firmament - something so firm and hard as to hold the waters apart (visible arch in the sky) inbetween the two masses of water. Then, in the midst of the lower section of the water mass, God carved out a circle in the midst of the waters below the firmament and spoke again - when suddenly dry land appeared like a circle in the center just as we saw from Genesis 1: 9-10. This caused terrestrial and subterranean waters above and below the earth separated by the arch or dome in the sky.
King Solomon, some 3000 years later confirmed the dome by claiming when God created the heavens and the earth, He then drew a circle on the face of the waters. The Prophet Isaiah said the same thing as the circle spread out like a tent for man to dwell on.
This circle of the earth then rested on the foundations of the deep to hold everything in place.
Gen 1:11 God said, "Let the earth put forth grass, seed-producing plants, and fruit trees, each yielding its own kind of seed-bearing fruit, on the earth; and that is how it was. 12. The earth brought forth grass, plants each yielding its own kind of seed, and trees each producing its own kind of seed-bearing fruit; and God saw that it was good. 13 So there was evening, and there was morning, a third day.
Day #4 - The Creating of the Sun, Moon and Stars
Gen 1:14 CJB God said, "Let there be lights in the dome of the sky to divide the day from the night, let them be for signs, seasons, days and years; 15 and let them be for lights in the dome of the sky to give light to the earth; and that is how it was. 16 God made the two great lights - the larger light to rule the day and the smaller light to the earth. 18 to rule over the day and over the night, and to divide the light from the darkness; and God saw that it was good. 19 So there was evening, and there was morning, a fourth day.
On Day #4, God created the sun, moon and stars to light up the dome of the sky over the earth. The sun was to give light for the day and the moon to give out light for the night. The Bible gives not even a hint of there being planets or other bodies in God's world.
Just like a skilled architecturer, God, through His wisdom, following the Noahic flood, established clouds above the earth under the firmament (arch in the sky) to give moisture to the earth.
Proverbs 8:28 When He established the clouds above, when He strengthened the fountains of the deep, 29 When He assigned to the sea its limit, so that the waters would not transgress His command, when He marked out the foundations of the earth,
As such, God set the boundaries of the sea and the land and commanded them to stay in place. The earth contained dirt and rocks as a solid piece of land in the midst of the waters.
4. Science's false claim: The shape of the earth.
The question arises whether the shape of the earth is a globe or is it flat or maybe even something else. The shape of the earth is an area where everyone - in and outside of the church, have such strong views.
- There is no where in scripture where it tells us the earth is a spherical globe having other nations underneath us like an upside down ball. Any mention of a curvature earth is simple speculation by the scientific community coming out of myths and other lies over the last 500 years.
- With the earth being at least 6000 years old since Adam and Eve, then for 5500 of those years, God's peoples believed in an earth (with mountain ranges, valleys and flat plains), circled with the vast amount of water in the oceans, having the sun, moon and stars confined within and under a firmament (dome) in the sky.
- In Matthew 4:8 the devil took Jesus up on a very high mountain to where they both could see all the kingdoms of the world. You can't do that if the earth was a spherical globe or even curved - impossible.
- What this shows is how the Gentile population of the world (unbelievers) strongly influence society, including the Christian community of today.
5. Science's false claim - Expanded Space and universes beyond the solar system
Science protrays that space and universes are expanded continuously beyond infinity. As such, there can be no such thing as an arch (or dome) in the sky. There are many scripture verses from beginning to end throughout Scripture that points to windows and doors in the arch in the sky opening up for God, as He chooses, to communicate from heaven above to interact with the people upon the earth.
- Genesis 7:11 The windows of heaven were opened up for the Noahic floodwaters to fall upon the earth causing a world-wide torrential rain upon the earth,lasting 150 days. The fountains of the deep also gushed up causing the earth to immediately flood.
- Psalm 78:23 and Exodus 16:4 points to God opening up the doors of heaven to rain down manna in the desert to daily provide food for the children of Israel.
- In Isaiah 24:18, the Prophet Isaiah tells of God's judgment coming down through the opened windows of heaven.
- In Malachi 3:10 God promises to open the windows of heaven and pour out abundant blessings on those who honor and obey Him.
- At Jesus' baptism the heavens were opened up and the Spirit of God came down descending like a dove upon Jesus (Matt 3:16-17).
- Just before Stephen was stoned to death, the heavens opened, and he saw Jesus standing at the right of God (Acts 7:56).
- In Acts 10:9-16, the heavens also opened to reveal a vision to Peter.
- In Revelation 4:1 a door stood open in heaven and the sound of a trumpet called out to the Apostle John to "come up here" and God would show him what must take place - representing the Rapture of the Church.
- Then in Revelation 19:11, heaven opened up and Jesus comes down on a white horse at His 2nd coming at the Battle of Armegeddon.
So many Christians want to take these scripture verses as metaphoric; however, that is not the proper way to read Scripture. To properly exegetically study and understand scripture, all scripture must be taken literally unless it specifically tells us otherwise.
How Old is the Earth?
The Bible does not give a time frame as to the age of the earth. As such, there are all kinds of speculative opinions out there. Science claims the earth is around 4½ billions of years old and our "universe" (not "world") is around 15 billion years old with a solar system of "planets" and expanding "universes," of which the Bible is completely void of any of these wording. God simply uses the words "worlds" and "heaven and earth." As such, we must believe Scripture over what science is perpetrating to the general public as to what they want them to believe.
Old Earth Versus Young Earth Theory
Biblical scholars have varying theories - from an old earth to young earth theory - the young earth theory of man's days being no more than 6000 -10,000 years old. We do know that there was an eternity past because God claims He always was and there are various verses (Isaiah and Ezekiel) in the Bible eluding to a past before time began. There is no indication of time.
There will also be an eternity future, in which all mankind will spend an eternity either in heaven with God or the Eternal Lake of Fire forever with Satan. We have no idea what that means in reference to our understanding of time. Only God knows! If He had wanted us to know, He would have told us what lies on the front and back end of man's days. Since He did not, all of the speculations that man comes up with simply comes from the mind of man, even if it claims to come from the scientific community.
My study on man's timeline:
- About 20 year ago, I did an extensive biblical date study ranging from the time of Adam to the flood, then from the flood until the time of Abraham, then from the time of Abraham until the time of the last of the prophets under the Old Covenant, followed by the 400 silent year period between the Books of Malachi and Matthew, and ending with the time of Jesus until the present. Taking into consideration the date differences within the Jewish and Gentile calendars, I came up with around 6000 years since the time of Adam - the same as many biblical scholars.
- While we do not know anything about an eternity past before Adam, we do know God created the world in six days. While many theologians will have varying opinions as to those six days, I choose to take God literally. I choose to take the Scriptures literally. Anything else is simply allegorical, of which mankind can then use his own imagination as to what happened before those six days. As such, I lean in the direction of a young earth theory in that the world was created around 6000+ years ago. This most definitely disagrees with science which claims the "universes" (not "worlds" as the Bible uses) were created millions or even billions of years ago.
Three Heavens
The Bible declares there are three heavens:
- The first heaven is the earth’s atmosphere - the air we breathe and where the birds fly and the clouds rest.
- The second heaven is where the sun, moon, and stars are placed - all under the dome (firmament).
- The third heaven is above the dome where God Almighty reigns, with Jesus sitting at His right hand. Also, in the third heaven is the Holy City of God and the place called Paradise where the saints in Christ who have left this earth in death before us presently reside (2 Cor 12:2-4).
Geocentricism, Heliocentricism and the Bible
What is Geocentricism? Outside of the Bible's view of cosmology, Geocentricism is the next oldest view of of the cosmology of the earth. Ptolemy, influenced by Aristotle, used mathematical observation to claim the geocentric model in that the sun and the planets revolve around a spherical earth once per day. According to the Geocentricism model, the earth is center of the universe and is stationary.
What is Heliocentricism? The idea of a heliocentric earth came about by an astronomer named Nicolaus Copernicus around 1543 A.D. He lived at a time when the world was at its spiritual lowest before the Reformation Period. The world was ready to receive his heresy of the cosmology of the earth.
- The sun is the center of the universe being 400 times larger than the earth.
- The earth is spherical like a globe - one of many planets in the universe
- The earth is 93,000,000 miles away from the sun
- The earth spins on an axis of 67,000 miles per hour around and around
- At the same time, the earth spins around the sun at 1000 miles per hour, taking one full year to go completely around the sun.
When the Reformation of the Church came, however, the world slowly began to spiritually come alive and the Scriptures were then looked at again. The scientific community; however, already had its grips over the world with its claims of the cosmology of the world, to where it was expanding and grew to be accepted by the world at large. Added to that claim was the instilled belief of Greek mythology of planets outside of the earth that had taken over the world.
#6 Scientific false claim: The center of the world
The Heliocentricism is the accepted view of the scientific community today, having many false claims that go contrary to the Bible. One of these claims is that the sun is 400 times larger than the size of the earth and the center of the universe. Sadly, most of the world is believing these lies that goes contrary to Scripture.
- The sun cannot be 400 times the size of the earth. According to the Bible, the sun rotates around the earth inside the arch in the sky (dome) that covers the earth once per day. The Heliocentric model would defy everything God created within the first seven days of creation.
#7 Scientific false claim: The earth travels around the sun.
Heliocentricism claims that the sun is the center of the universe, stationary, never moving. It is 400 times larger than the earth, in which the earth is located 93,000,000 (93 million) miles away from the sun.
- Heliocentricism also claims the earth is in the shape of a globe, rotating, along with the other planets in orbit at 67,000 miles per hour and at the same time travels at a speed of 1000 miles per hour in a circular motion around the huge and stationary sun - completing one cycle around the sun every year.
Over the next almost 500 years, the heliocentric view of cosmology grew, however, it wasn't heavily pushed upon the general populous of the people until the forming of the National Aeronautics and Space Act (NASA) in 1958. By this time, a fairly large portion of the populous of the world was supporting this false view. NASA, however, has agressively forced the Heliocentric view of the earth on the populous of the people for decades through science, education, politics, the media, and Hollywood in their movies. As this movement progressed, any mention of God, by design, has been omitted, putting the control of the future of the earth into the hands of science and mankind.
This heliocentric view of the earth is now the official view of science, which claims the sun is the center of the "universe" and the earth and the other planets swirling around a stationary sun at tremendous speeds every year. Along with expanding universes and possible alien bodies in outer space, this cosmology is widely accepted as truth. This, however, is a false claim and goes against what the Bible teaches.
What does the Bible teach?
We can clearly see that the Geocentricism and Heliocentricism models of the earth are manmade, and both leaving out God in the forming of the heavens and the earth. While the Bible leans more to the Geocentric view of the earth, we, as Christians do not want to be duped, being told what to think when we know the Scriptures point out to its own theology of the cosmology of the earth. It is, therefore, critical that all Christians know biblical cosmology get a true understanding of what God is trying to tell His people through His Word. As such then, we need to dig deeper into Scripture to get God's meaning of truth.
The Bible tells us that God spoke the earth into being, and that it is fixed with the sun, moon and stars circling the earth once a day. The Bible says nothing about planets, meteriotes, or any other such words used by science. None of these can be found in the Bible. In fact, it goes contrary to what Scripture teaches.
Psalm 104:5 You fixed the earth on its foundations, never to be moved.
According to the Heliocentric model, the earth moves around the sun, meaning the sun stays stationary - never moving.
- According to the Bible, the sun, moon and stars rotate around the earth under the dome over a solid unmoveable earth. As such, the earth is the center of the world and is stationary - does NOT move.
Psalm 104:5 You who laid the foundations of the earth, so that it should not be moved forever.
In addition, God gave Joshua an extra day to fight the Amorites by allowing the sun to
stand still for an extra day (Joshua 10:12-14). That means the sun moves, not the earth.
#8 Scientific false claim: The shape of the earth
Windows of Heaven
The Bible tells us that within the visible arch in the sky (dome), there are windows and doors that open up to heaven above the dome. At the time of the flood of Noah, the Bible states that all the fountains of the great deep were broken up under the earth, creating a flood from below, along with the windows of heaven were also opened up, creating a flood from above. As such, at the command of God, the earth was quickly flooded as the waters broke loose from below the earth, as well as rain poured down from above, flooding the whole earth very quickly, and it continued to rain for 40 days.
Gen 7:11-12 In the six hundredth year of Noah's life, in the second month, the seventeenth day of the month, on that day all the fountains of the great deep were broken up AND the windows of heaven were opened. 12. And the rain was on the earth forty days and forty nights.
God spoke of two separate waters here - the waters below and the waters above the dome. These are the same waters that were separated as we have seen in Gen 1:6-7 where the waters were divided from the waters under the firmament (arch in the sky) and above the firmament (arch in the sky).
The Canapy Theory
There are some Christians, however, who hold to the false claim that following the flood of Noah that this arch, which was like a canopy over the earth, broke apart by the ravages of the flood. Because the canopy was broke, the earth's protection was gone. These Christians will stand strong on that belief, which then, to them, rationalizes science and the Bible coming together
- That canopy theory, however, is false teaching because the Scriptures speak of this arch in the sky seventeen times throughout the Old Testament, and most of those scriptures are listed long after the flood of Noah, and its windows and doors are shown to us in the Books of Psalms and Revelation, which means the arch is still in the sky.
Psm 19:1 (To the chief Musician, A Psalm of David.) The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament (#H7549 visible arch in the sky) sheweth his handywork.
Revelation 4:1 After these things I looked, and behold, a door (#G2374 a portal or entrance [the opening or the closure, literally or figuratively; - door, gate] - of the arch in the sky) standing open in heaven, and the first voice which I had heard, like the sound of a trumpet speaking with me, said, “Come up here, and I will show you what must take place after these things.
The Christians who support this canopy theory are allegorically interpreting their own meanings into what Scripture is saying. This way they can rationalize science and the Bible as coming together. That is so wrong. We cannot twist Scripture to suit our belief system. We must simply take God at His Word!
What God says, He means, and He means what He says.
By a person making up their own meanings to the Bible to ease the mind of indoctrinated teachings, simply then makes God a liar.
Windows and Doors of heaven
There are Old and New Testament Scriptures that included the windows and doors of heaven opening and closing as well.
Revelation 4:1 After these things I looked, and behold, a door standing open in heaven, and the first voice which I had heard, like the sound of a trumpet speaking with me, said, “Come up here, and I will show you what must take place after these things.
We see so many contradictions or unanswered questions that Science claims versus what is written in the Scriptures within the 1st chapter of Genesis alone.
- We saw science's claim that there is no God, whereas God simply is - was, is, and will always be God.
- We saw where science claims the Big Bang Theory as their truth versus God as the Creator of the heavens and the earth as biblical truth.
- We saw where science claims the huge sun, which is 400 times the size of the earth is the center of the universe, and is continually expanding into outer space to create endless universes, refusing to acknowledge any dome over the earth. The Scriptures, on the other hand, claim the earth is the center of the earth and is stationary. There is a dome over a stationary earth with the sun, moon and stars revolving around the earth under this dome.
- We saw where science claims the earth is 93,000,000 miles away from the huge stationary sun which is 400 times the size of the earth? The Bible is completely void of any sort of claim as this.
We are here faced with a decision to believe what God's Word says over what science and the world around us claim...
- Or are we still trying to mix science and the Bible together to where things make more sense and acceptable in the society we live in? If that is what you are doing, you have allegorically perverted the Bible and made science as your truth.
Evolution versus Creationism
Another science false claim in Genesis 1:
We are still in chapter 1 of Genesis and have seen several false claims that science has made that are contrary to the Bible's teachings. And now we are dealing with evolution.
Science claims that man has evolved over millions of years, coming from an ape-like creature, coming out of the sea to eventually, over millions, or even billions of years, become to look like man is today. This evolutionary theory then would mean that man is continually evolving and ever changing.
- These kind of scientific thinking has been taught in our schools, down to the elementary level for many decades, and the world accepts it as truth.
God tells us in His Word, however, that we were created in His image and likeness. He created our bodies out of dust and breathed His life into mankind to become a living soul.
Gen 1:26 Then God said, “Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness; let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over the cattle, over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth. 27 So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.”
Another science false claim in Genesis 1:
In recent times, gender identity has been pushed on the masses of people as ordinary; thus promoting males to identify as females, females to male, or even such absurdity as identifying as a dog or cat or any other such animal.
- God tells us right here in His Word that He created male and female. There is nothing about gender identity. God simply made a male and female
Another science false claim in Genesis 1:
Science also claims man is a dual being, only having a soul and body, just like any other animal creature. It denies that man is a spirit like the Word of God tells us.
1 Thessalonians 5:23 - And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly; and I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.
God created male and female in His likeness. We are a spirit, we have a soul, and we live in an earthly mortal body. Our spirit and soul are immortal and eternal, and will live on forever. Our bodies, on the other hand, were created by God out of the dust of the earth. Our bodies will one day decay and go back to the earth; however, the real us (spirit and soul) will live on forever because God breathed life into man, and he became a living soul.
How God created us had nothing to do with how science claims man was created. Again, their reasoning takes God out of the equation, by determined design, as if He does not exist, and put the power in the hands of man. Then man can create his own belief system and is not accountable to anyone.
I am not here to try to prove to you that science's claim is wrong, or that the earth is not a globe, or the earth is flat, but that God's Word is His truth to us, no matter what. If we then choose to make science truth when it disagrees with Scripture that then makes God a liar and you are walking in lies and deceptions.
What Does All This Have to Do With the Gospel of Christ?
We have seen all these examples in the first chapter of Genesis how science is saying something entirely different than what the Word of God is telling us. Why is that?
- There is one common denominator why science would make claims that come against the Word of God. The common denominator is GOD.
Science has taken God totally out of the picture in all these false claims in Genesis chapter 1 and put the power into the hands of science and man. It's been intentional with the purpose of getting the general populous of the people to deny any existence of God.
- Without God in the picture, godless leaders have been forcefully indoctrinating the general populous of people with these false claims over many decades, or even hundreds of years of time. It's taught in the schools as early as kindergarten, and now science controls the media, and encourages Hollywood make movies to promote these beliefs, so then after three or four generations, the general populous of the people will not only believe these false claims, but will do everything they can to protect them, even if it violates the Word of God. That even includes most Christians. That is slow and deliberate indoctrination!
- Then most people - even good Christians, when reading the Word of God, will twist scriptures meaning to match or blend into what science is saying. In other words, they may believe everything Scripture says literally in other areas until they come across something that science or other indoctrinations claims differently. Those scriptures will then be allegorically read or even studied to mean something that blends in with what they believe. It happens all the time!
If you have read the Scriptures through indoctrination, your lenses of truth will refuse to accept anything outside of what you consider as "your truth." I'm now talking more than what science is saying. We can even include various doctrinal beliefs of certain denominations or churches, or anything that is outside of the literal truths of the Word of God. Any scripture that would differ from any indoctrinational beliefs, you will then allegorically (make up meaning) look at those doubtful scriptures to fit in what you believe in to where it makes sense to you.
Again, any time we find discrepancies between the Bible and science or any other belief system, we have to make the decision of what or who we are going to believe. That will tell us where our faith lies.
If you are struggling in this area, the only remedy is to pray, asking God from a sincere heart that He will show you His truth. This should be a consistant prayer whenever you are studying the Word of God.
John 8:32 Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free"
As Christians, we must believe what God says literally, and proclaim His truth to a world that is quickly denying any belief in God or refuse to want to follow God and His ways.
Sadly, even good Christians believe at least one of these false claims in Genesis 1. Then when they come across Scripture that is different than what sciences claims in Genesis 1, they look at them allegorically (man-made meaning) to say something that will blend in what science is saying as truth instead of taking God's Word literally.
It is these same Christians who make claim that none of these false claims of science have anything to do with the Gospel of Christ, so then what is the big deal? They then openly ridicule those who stand up for the truths of Scripture, claiming science and the Bible can work together, and they miss out on the whole reason why science is making those false claims.
- My question to you is: How do we expect to win a dying world to Christ if they believe what science is saying in that there is no God and science' claims against the Bible are the real truth. We can present the Gospel all we want, but without them having a belief in God, they will never accept Christ.
Biblical Cosmology then is a very important doctrine in the Bible. We must continue to proclaim God's truth to keep God's Word going forth to a dying world who is losing their belief in God, and as such is heading to hell. That is our calling and responsibility!