Sharia Law A look at the law that governs Islam
Before you read this article on Islamic Sharia Law , please read The Origins of Islam and Islam and Christianity - A Comparison.
What is Sharia Law?
Sharia Law is a moral code and religious law of Islam set forth in the Qur'an. It deals with many topics, such as crime, politics, and economics. It also includes personal matters, such as sexual intercourse, hygiene, diet, prayer, and fasting.
Sharia Law may vary between various cultures, such as Saudia Arabia being the strictest, and is considered the infallible law of God – not human interpretation of the law. It is, however, interpreted by Islamic judges who acts in Allah’s behalf. Under the and authority of the judge you find the police, and then the Inspectors of the Market (keepers of public morality), who go around looking for those who would violate Sharia. Police may beat the accused at will.
There is no “Due Process of Law” under Sharia Law, but punishment is carried out swiftly by the judge who determines what the punishment will be.
Sharia Law will often have “exemplary punishments,” meaning they are performed in public to remind residents the wages of evil. An ‘eye for an eye” is often performed first as a physical punishment, then there are additional punished that would come from Allah, as given by the judge. Women only have half rights of a man.
Penal Code
Crimes punishable by death can include beheading, hanging (noose wrapped around neck , laying down, and then hoisted up to slowly suffocate), or stoning (man buried waist high, and woman chest high and then stoned until dead.)
Homosexuality: Illegal – Punished by death. Death could be stoning or hanging.
Thievery: Cut off hands (or limbs), and often a foot or leg of the opposite side. Only local anesthesia is used.
Adultery, fornication, or rape: A man may receive 40-50 floggings; however a woman can be accused by one person and she must have four witnesses to overcome the one witness against her. Punishment for a woman is stoning.
Drinking: Punishable by flogging in some countries.
Honor Killing: This can happen when the family is disgraced, such as a daughter getting raped - with her not being the victim but the perpetrator, or involved in fornication or adultery. It can also include a member of the family turning against Islam, including becoming a Christian. To get rid of the shame, the family members, or someone is designated can kill that person, and it is legal under Sharia Law.