18. (N.T.) New Testament Conclusion

The Tithe?

18 -
New Testament Conclusion
(Please read all previous articles on tithing first)

It is very clear that tithing, as was practiced under the Old Covenant, has no place in the New Testament church.  The New Testament scriptures are very clear that Christians are to be generous givers.  While tithing held a place in God's desire for His people to give under the law, New Testament believers can use that as an example of God's desire for us today to give.  Whether the amount is 10% or even 23 1/3 %, as the Old Covenant Jews gave, the point is that God wants His people to be generous givers.  It must, however, never be given as a fearful law to obey, but in joyfulness and cheerfulness to give because of our love for the Lord and other people.

2 Cor. 9:7 Let each one do just as he has purposed in his heart; not grudgingly or under compulsion; for God loves a cheerful giver.

  • As part of the body of Christ, we are vessels for the Master's use.  Our lives,therefore, should consist of a life of giving
  • The local church, as a larger vessel of the body of Christ, is meant to be the vehicle to reach out to the needs of others.
  • We are to live and act on the Royal Law of Love.  We are then following God's command to love the Lord with all our heart, soul, and mind, and our neighbors as ourselves.
  • We should give proportionate to our means and how God has prospered us.  Ultimately, however, it is our hearts that tells us what to give.  The more we love God and others, the more we will give of what God has given us. 
  • We do not give to God because of any law that says to give, but we give willingly and cheerfully as we have purposed in our hearts.  


To continue on to chapter 19 on tithing, click here


Written by Pastor Joyce A. Erickson

Believers Bible School, Founder https://believersbibleschool.com/