May 8 - Matthew 5:4

May 8
Matthew 5:4

Blessed Are Those Who Mourn | The Beatitudes for Kids -

Matthew 5:4 Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted. 

A few days ago I wrote on the 1st of the Beatitudes (Sermon on the Mount) from the Book of Matthew in which Jesus announced to His disciples "Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven." In this, Jesus was offering salvation to those who recognize the basic need of the heart for a Savior in order to receive the Kingdom of heaven.  This, however, is the beginning - and not the end all - of receiving the fullness of the kingdom of heaven.


We need to first understand that Jesus only spoke out what He heard from His Father God, which was also given to the prophets under the Old Covenant as they were anointed by God. Jesus continuously quoted the prophets - whereas in this verse in Matthew, Jesus was now speaking out by supporting the Prophet Isaiah (Is 61:1-2) in proclaiming Himself as the One who came to preach, teach, heal and proclaim liberty to captives - setting all men free.  Jesus was bold in announcing that it was now the acceptable year of the Lord and He was that One they have been looking for.

March 22, 2020 - Jesus the One and Only - YouTube

We are on the other side of the cross and these words still ring true for us today. Jesus is the One -the One in whom we all need. God always looks at the heart - looking for those who mourn over their spiritual poverty, humbly coming before Him in repentance. Spiritual prosperity then comes from belief and accepting Jesus as that One whom we have all been looking for.

  • Jesus is that Savior whom the world has been waiting for as the One who sets men free.
  • Jesus is that Savior who brings comfort to those who mourn over their sinful nature - to all who recognize their spiritual poverty.
  • Jesus is that Savior who brings true blessedness.

That blessedness continues as we develop an intimate fellowship with Jesus, keeping open communication and living in a repentant lifestyle with Him. Through Him, Jesus keeps telling us "Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted."

Vinesong - Jesus is the One Chords - Chordify




Written by Pastor Joyce A. Erickson

Believers Bible School, Founder