May 30 - Psalm 91:1-2
May 30
Psalm 91:1-2
Dear Christian friend,
Psalm 91:1-2 He who dwell in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty, I will way of the Lord, "He is my refuge and my fortress; My God, in Him I will trust."
My husband and I pray the whole chapter of Psalm 91 every night over ourselves and our family. I memorized this chapter years ago and have paraphrased it to fit our family. We know these words as God's Word to us and it carries life and power - especially when we claim these verses over ourselves, our children and their spouses, our grandchildren and their spouses and our great grandchildren - each by name. As such, over the next few days, I would like to share with you a verse or two from this chapter each day to let you know what these powerful words means to me.
In the morning I have my own secret place with the Lord to experience personal intimate time alone with Him. I love my "comfy" chair in my office in the wee hours of the morning to just be alone with the Lord. I close the door, curl up with my blanket on my "comfy" chair, turn on some soft worship music on my phone, kick back the chair and begin to worship the Lord. There is a glow in the room from my digital clock to give it a beautiful atmosphere, even though I close my eyes and consume myself with the Lord. It is just He and I communing back and forth as I softly speak and pour out the deep things in me to Him and He shares with me the deep things of Him.
It is in our secret place, away from the busyness of the day, in those wee hours of the morning where our spirits come alive and are more atuned to the things of the Lord. It is in our secret place, away from all distractions, that we hear the voice of God so much more clearly. It is there in our secret place where our hearts are open to understand what God is saying to us. The wee hours of the morning in our secret place is where our spirits come alive.
In our secret place is where we can feel safe, protected away from life to just be alone with our Creator. It is like He covers us from all outside forces and it is there were we not only feel His presence - our spirits are so atuned to know He is there. That is the place where you can put all of your trust.
I so encourage you to find that special "sweet spot" where you can be alone with the Lord each day. It could be a chair, lying in bed, sitting by the water, or for some, an early morning walk to be alone with the Lord. Once tasted, you won't want to give it up - for that special place of meeting God each day gives such peace where you feel so loved, and it sets the tone for the day ahead.
Have a wonderful blessed day in the Lord.