May 21 - Matthew 5:9

May 21
Matthew 5:9

Matthew 5:9 Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God.

As we draw close to the end of the list of what Jesus calls requirements for being a part of the Kingdom of God, we recognize that God looks the humble, downtrodden and those who seek after God. He will then mold them to be all He created them to be, for then they will become the kind of people that God can use to change this world and spend an eternity with Him forever in His kingdom. 

Let's give a quick review as to what God looks for in people to become members of His family. 

  • Blessed (happy) are those who recognize their need for a Savior to free them from their sins. For when they do, they will come to live with their Savior - Christ Jesus now on this earth, and  then forever in the Kingdom of heaven.
  • Blessed (happy) are those who mourn - are sad - especially over man's sinful nature that brings on sickness, disease, and disillusions from the calatamies of this sinful earth, for they will be comforted with the presence of God.
  • Blessed (happy) are the (meek) teachable, for God will give them the knowledge and wisdom to know how to inherit the land throughout the whole earth.
  • Blessed (happy) are those who seek after the righteousness of God, for not only will they find it, they will be filled with God's rightousness operating within them.
  • Blessed (happy) are the merciful, for they recognize the mercy God has extended toward them. As such, they see God's plan in extending mercy toward everyone through them who have already experienced it through God. The principle that God put in the earth about giving and it will be given back will operate as God designed it.
  • Blessed (happy) are the pure in heart, for that kind of heart seeks to know God better, becoming more like Jesus, as he develops a more intimate life with His creator. As such, that kind of intimacy will not only find God, but experience His presence in this life and physically see and be with Him in His Kingdom forever.

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As we go into verse 9, we see the word "peacemaker" is far different than the word "peacekeeper." A follower of Christ is not to "keep peace at all costs," but be willing to bring conflict to an end. In other words, "peacemaker" does not mean pacifism.

Sadly, most Christians pull back and watch from the sidelines as conflict continues to esculate out of hand. As such, chaos is everywhere. Sometimes conflict is necessary when evil has gotten so out of hand, and the only means of peace is for the righteous believers to stand strong together in the face of evil by refusing to live under those evil conditions any longer - bringing evil to a halt. When that happens, the hearts of men can be at peace once again.

Chrisis in Heaven « Meaningful Hope

is one of themSometimes verses carry double meanings, and this is one verse is one of them.  Chaos is everywhere upon the earth at this time. Because the righteous have remained laid back, Satan's evil has gotten its grips to make the world one a complete chaos. While God foreknew all this, He is ready to bring Jesus back to this earth to become the ultimate peacemaker by making war on evil. It will be a one-day war in which evil will end and Satan will be bound in the bottomless pit for 1000 years. As such, the earth will live in peace and harmony for 1000 years with Jesus governing over the earth.  

Through God's perfect example of a peacemaker through Jesus' 2nd coming, can you see why it is the responsibility for all Christians to be peacemakers, refusing to live under evil oppression, but to stand boldly for God's truth in the midst of conflict? The more Christians stand strong together, evil will continue to lessen. God expects His children to stand up for His truth in an evil world, so let's stand for God's truth, no matter the cost.

Written by Pastor Joyce A. Erickson

Believers Bible School, Founder