May 2 -Colossians 2:10
May 2
Colossians 2:10
Colossians 2:10 And you are complete in Him, who is the head of all principality and power.
This morning in prayer I was speaking out to myself and to the Lord affirmations of who I am in Christ - what the Word of God tells me who I am in Christ. It lifted me up so much to where I felt the Lord telling me to pass this on to you. In summation, as believers in Christ, we really need to grasp that we are complete in Him - Who is the head of everything.
So many Christians are not aware of what they have in Christ, so furthermore they don't believe who they are, nor do they walk or operate in the fullness of completion that God has put on the inside of them. Discovering and speaking God's promises over us then helps us to grasp in a deeper measure who we are in Christ.
As I list some of these affirmations for you, could you repeat them to yourself out loud as you read them? Why? Because, as a believer in Christ, that is who you - all because of what Christ has done for you. Words spoken out loud are much more effective than words that are simply read in the mind to get them down into our heart.
- I am love by God - Col 3:12
- I was chosen by God before the foundation of the world as He foreknew I would one day accept Him, so He planned out my life for His purpose - Eph 1:4
- God created me with a specific plan and purpose for my life, and I am living out that plan - Jer 29:11
- I am born again unto God through Christ - John 3:3
- God is my Abba Daddy (Father) - Gal 4:6; Rom 8:15
- I am a new creation because of Christ - 2 Cor 5:17
- I am a child of the Most High God - John 1:12
- I've been adopted into the Family of God - Ephesians 1:5
- I belong to the Kingdom of God - heaven is my eternal home - Matt 6:33
- I have the Holy Spirit living on the inside of me to be my helper through life - Eph 1:13)
- I have forgiveness of sins - Ephesians 1:7
- I have access to the heavenly throne anytime to talk to my Abba Daddy - Eph 2:18
- I am alive in Christ (Ephesians 2:5).
- I am the bride of Christ - Eph 5:25-27 & Rev 21:2, 9.
- I am the body of Christ - I Cor 12:27
- I am the righteousness in Christ - 2 Cor 5:21
- I have love, power and a sound mind operating in me - 2 Tim 2:7
- I am strong in the Lord and in the power of His might - Eph 6:10-20
- I am an ambassador for Christ 2 Cor 5:20
- I am God's handiwork, created to do good works for others - Ephesians 2:10
You may want to take the time to research these scripture verses to see for yourself that these are the words that God is
telling YOU who you are in Christ.
The more we affirm who we are in Christ, especially out loud, the more faith will grow inside of us to solidify that belief in our heart. I find that everytime I speak these affirmations out loud, I am left with a spirit of gratitude for who I am in Christ and the more I believe that these affirmations belong to me - they are mine.
Remember, you are absolutely complete in Christ. To truly believe God's promises for yourself, you need to keep speaking them over yourself until you believe every word God has promised you in His Word.