May 1 - Galatians 5:16
May 1
Galatians 5:16
Galatians 5:16 This I say then, Walk in the Spirit, and you will not fulfill the lusts of the flesh.
What if you received a personal hand-written invitation from Jesus today to walk with Him all day today? Would you drop everything to accept that invitation?
That is exactly what this verse is asking you to do - it is your personal hand-written invitation from Jesus to walk with Him today. He is asking you to find Him on His path so that you can not only enjoy His presence, but take you into a higher realm of enjoyment and contentment with Him.
How then do you go about finding that path where Jesus is walking - as He is waiting for you? Start by opening up your Bible, asking Jesus where to find Him in the Scriptures. As He leads you to read and meditate certain passages in His Word, you find yourself being open as you intimately talk (pray) with Him along the way. He will then show you things you have not known before, taking you to places where you have never traveled. As such, Jesus will place within you a desire to continue to walk His path with Him to a greater degree instead of trying to fulfill the temporary lusts of the flesh, which never satisfies. As such, you will find yourself going through a metamorphous change on the inside of you where you will no longer desire to fulfill those lusts that you once had.
The meaning of the word "walk," means to live accordingly. In other words, live, and habitally live in the Spirit of Jesus all day. Find that path where Jesus walks and join Him. Each day you walk with Him will be enjoyed even more as you begin to habitually purpose to daily walk with Jesus. For when you do, you will no longer want to fulfill those carnal, fleshly things that once wanted to operate in your life.