Psalm 23:1 The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.
King David compared himself to a sheep, having the Lord as his shepherd. He knew from experience of being a shepherd that the Lord was all he needed, so he had no want for anyone else to shepherd over him.
In the same way, we are sheep, continuously vulnerable to the prey of the enemy. As Christians, we look to the New Testament to see how these words apply to us. Jesus tells us in John 10:11-15 the He is the good shepherd, and he has laid down his life for His sheep - and that is us as believers in Him. Jesus takes care of us, protects us from all harm, and as such, He is all we need.
Over the next several days, let's look to see how we are very much like sheep and how Jesus IS our good shepherd as we walk our way through Psalm, chapter 23.