Proverbs - Chapter 11

Mini proverbs to live by! A verse-by-verse study of chapter 11 of the Book of Proverbs

The Book of Proverbs

Chapter 11

We have entered into chapter 11, as well as the second chapter of the second phase of the Book of Proverbs.  In this second phase we are looking at a lot of mini proverbs that consist of a sentence or two, often being only one verse.  As much as I am able, keeping numerical order, I will try to group them together as the verses blend together. 

Proverbs 11:1  The Lord detests the use of dishonest scales, but he delights in accurate weights.

  • Those who use dishonest scales are dishonest people.  They have deceit in their hearts, willing to lie, cheat others out of what is theirs, and in essense they are stealing from other people to gain for themselves.  The Lord, obviously detests this kind of deceit.  While God hates and detests certain sins, calling them an abomination, the degree of sins remains the same in the eyes of God - Sin is sin!

    But....a day of judgment will come to pass and those books will be open and sin will be judged accordingly to the depth of sin, and how it affected others.  There will be degrees of punishment for the unbeliever.  All the more reason, we need to come to Christ, lead a repentant lifestyle, be faithful, and know that our rewards will come from God when we leave this earth, and they will last forever.

2 Pride leads to disgrace, but with humility comes wisdom.

  • Wasn't pride the first thing that was listed in chapter 6 on the seven things the Lord hates?  Pride then leads to disgrace.  Pride shows the condition of the heart. 
  • Humility, on the other hand, is one of the attitudes that come from wisdom.   For the most part, when we are servants of Christ, it is not about us, but what we can do to help others.  Often, that will take humility.

Honesty guides good people; dishonesty destroys treacherous people.

  • Honesty is one of the virtues of wisdom, and it guides us through life.
  • Dishonesty, on the other hand, destroys.  It falls again in the category of "you reap what you sow."  Reap dishonesty, and you will be found out.  Chances are, when you are dishonest to other people, they will be dishonest toward you.

Riches won’t help on the day of judgment, but right living can save you from death.

  • As mentioned in the beginning of this episode, while on this earth, God considers all sin - sin!  But judgment day is coming when we all stand before the Lord.  Believers in Christ Jesus - all sins have been washed away.  We will only be judged on what we did for Christ - for rewards will be our blessings for all eternity. 
  • Unbelievers, on the other hand, will be judged at the Great White Throne Judgment when the books are opened and all the amount of riches won't help you here.  They will be judged on every deed they did in this life - and what they receive as punishment will depend on what in written in that book.

The godly are directed by honesty; the wicked fall beneath their load of sin.  The godliness of good people rescues them; the ambition of treacherous people traps them.

  • Honesty is definitely a guide for living.  You can never go wrong when you are completely honest with yourself and others.
  • Those who live contrary to the will of God will always be watching their backside, because the load of sin is heavy, and falling in one's sin is inevitable.

7 When the wicked die, their hopes die with them, for they rely on their own feeble strength.  The godly are rescued from trouble, and it falls on the wicked instead.

  • Once the wicked die - those who live outside of the will of God - there is no hope.  Their own strength, in whatever form that was, ends at the grave.  Judgment, hell and the eternal Lake of Fire await them.
  • The godly, as part of the Family of God, however, is rescued by God, and whatever the wicked tried to do to the godly, ends up on them - very similar to the results of Hamen - from the Book of Esther - when he tried to have Mortecai hung on the gallows, and Hamen ended up being hung there himself. 
  • For the believing Jews of Old Testament,  their hope is in the possession of their land when all the promises given to them by God through His covenants with His people will take place.
  • For the New Testament believer in Christ, also part of the Family of God, not only are we rescued from the fate of the unbeliever, but we, as the Body of Christ, will reign with Christ for 1000 years in the Millennium period of time, using the rewards given to us.  Then for an eternity, we will be with Christ - our Savior.

9 With their words, the godless destroy their friends, but knowledge will rescue the righteous.

  • As the Book of James, chapter 3 teaches us, the tongue can be a wicked thing.  No one can tame the tongue - it is like a fire, a world of iniquity.  Therefore, get knowledge, understanding, and godly wisdom so that you, and only you can tame your tongue.  Learning and applying God's knowledge will rescue those who walk in the wisdom of God.

10 The whole city celebrates when the godly succeed; they shout for joy when the wicked die.  11 Upright citizens are good for a city and make it prosper, but the talk of the wicked tears it apart.

  • When the godly upright citizens succeed, the people in the city are happy, because they live in peace.  As such, the city prospers.    It is sad when the wicked die; however, they take their sins with them.  At that, the people will rejoice that their sins no longer are affecting them.  They don't even want to talk about how the wicked nearly destroyed them.

12 It is foolish to belittle one’s neighbor; a sensible person keeps quiet.  13 A gossip goes around telling secrets, but those who are trustworthy can keep a confidence.

  • The Book of James, chapter 3, also tells us how gossip destroys people.  It is a sin against God, themselves, and the one they gossipped about.  
  • It was brought out in another lesson how to counteract gossip in that when you hear it, either walk away, ask if what the gossipper is saying, the person they are gossiping about knows they are talking about them, or just plain confront them on how that is wrong.
  • If someone has shared a secret with you about themselves, it is meant to be in confidence.  The person who shared it, shared it with you in confidence because because they trust in you.  Are you worthy of that trust?

14 Without wise leadership, a nation falls; there is safety in having many advisers.

  • A wise leader walks in the wisdom of God in the same way that King Solomon walked as he brought forth these proverbs.  So, it is good to keep looking at these proverbs, because they will keep you in right living and standing with God and man.  Nations rise and fall depending on the leaders over the people.  A wise leader also has wise advisors surrounding him to help make right choices on behalf of those he or she leads.

15 There’s danger in putting up security for a stranger’s debt; it’s safer not to guarantee another person’s debt.

  • Then to finish today's lesson, this is a repeat of Proverbs 6:1-5 in that co-signing for someone, especially a stranger, is not a wise thing to do.  You may be setting yourself up to be fully responsibly for that loan should the loaner default on the loan.  It is much wiser to say no so that you do not become part of their problem.

16 A gracious woman gains respect, but ruthless men gain only wealth.  17 Your kindness will reward you, but your cruelty will destroy you.

  • In its original language of Hebrew, a woman of grace is one who, by her kindness, meekness, modesty and prudence, portrays herself as such toward God and those around her.  Graciousness is a gift that God gives to women so that she can carry herself with honor and dignity.  As such, all women should seek to be gracious toward others.  God will reward you for your graciousness.
  • Ruthless men, however, are men who care only for themselves, often being cruel and violent toward others, seeking wealth, even at other's expense.  This is definitely polar opposite of a gentleman, whose sole aim is to be kind to others. 

18 Evil people get rich for the moment, but the reward of the godly will last.  19 Godly people find life; evil people find death.  20 The Lord detests people with crooked hearts, but he delights in those with integrity.  21 Evil people will surely be punished, but the children of the godly will go free.

  • Evil people - those who live outside the will of God - have evil brewing in their hearts.  Their hearts are perversed - devising evil against others for their own gain.  This is what  King Solomon was saying in chapter  6 of Proverbs in that a heart that devises wicked things is an abomination to God.  Many people sacrifice a lot in their pursuit of the evil way, but any reward would be fleshly because they are on the pathway where their destination is death, judgment, and eternal punishment.  While they may connive and scheme to their advantage, and may even get rich off of others for a season, which could be a short time or even their time on earth, their evil deeds never go unseen by God. 

    Let me say this:  These people are under the control of Satan, and in one sense a victim under him in their sins.  Yet, the choice is up to the person to continue in their sin - being a willing participant and perpetrator of sin.   Evil always ends in destruction, whether it is in this life or the next because no one escapes the judgment of God.  If the evil person never repents and comes to Christ, the penalties of God's judgment upon them are everlasting.

  • In contrast, godly people purpose to live and walk in the integrity of godly wisdom which is marked by honesty and integrity, and whatever they do are like good seed planted into good ground that has been sown.  Rewards will come in due season because they have planted good seed into good soil. 

    God so delights in those who follow after Him and His godly ways and, as such, He pours His favor upon them.

22 A beautiful woman who lacks discretion is like a gold ring in a pig’s snout.

  • While no one would think of putting a gold ring in a pig's snout, representing a lower form of animal life, because something of such value should never be given to any woman who lacks discretion.  This kind of woman would destroy the gold ring through her way of living.
23 The godly can look forward to a reward, while the wicked can expect only judgment.
  • Just as has been said throughout this chapter, the godly only receive eternal rewards, whereas the wicked - those living outside the will of God - will receive judgment only leading to eternal punishment.

24 Give freely and become more wealthy; be stingy and lose everything.  25 The generous will prosper; those who refresh others will themselves be refreshed.

  • Give and it shall be given unto you, as spoken in Luke 6:38 speaks here of the more you give to others, the more you will receive in return.  This definitely holds true in the area of finances.  You want more wealth, give out to others to help them.  That is a principle that God put in the earth, and one for God's people to follow.
  • Whatever you give to others is what you will get in return.  Give out love, love will return to you.  Give out kindness, kindness will return to you.  That is the sowing and reaping process that God also tells us in Galatians 6.

26 People curse those who hoard their grain, but they bless the one who sells in time of need.

  • When others are in need, and they see those who have hoard it for themselves without giving out to others, people look down upon those kinds of people as selfish and manipulative.  But for those who give or sell reasonable in time of need, their giving will come back to bless them instead of cursing them.  The community will be blessed because of the fair dealings of good pricing of goods.

27 If you search for good, you will find favor; but if you search for evil, it will find you!

  • This is a principle that God put within mankind.  Look for good, and good will follow you.  But, if you look for evil, you most certainly will find it.  Again, we see the sowing and reaping process in motion here.  You do reap what you sow.  Think righteousness, and righteousness will follow.  The devil will make sure that if you are seeking for evil, you will most certainly find it.

28 Trust in your money and down you go!  But the godly flourish like leaves in spring.

  • In Proverbs 3, our Bible's tell us to trust in the Lord with all our heart - never in money.  The love of money is evil, as it simply is a medium of exchange.  Let money work for you, not you for money.  If you become money's slave, you will fall. 
  • We have seen how Proverbs keeps teaching us the value of money and wealth, and how bad it is to trust in our riches.  To do that, we simply invite our own fall - right down the path that leads to death.  

29 Those who bring trouble on their families inherit the wind. The fool will be a servant to the wise.

  • To bring trouble to one's own family is to invite only trouble and difficulty to come into our home.  When the storms of life come, which they will come, the wind of trouble will arise to where it can destroy the family.
  • The foolish man or woman does not have the wisdom to know how to battle the troubles of life; therefore, they will end up being the servant to the wise.

30 The seeds of good deeds become a tree of life; a wise person wins friends.

  • Again, the good that we do in life become like seeds planted into the ground.  If you plant good seed into good ground, you will reap a harvest of life.  As such, you will gain the respect of people around you.  Your good deeds are planted in soil that will reap even eternal rewards.  

31 If the righteous are rewarded here on earth, what will happen to wicked sinners?

  •  As much as we all want to see all righteousness rewarded here on earth for believers, that is not always the case.  We can be certain, however, that as the righteous, we have favor with God, and we can be confident that He never has His children lack for anything.  God's people - those who walk in righteousness - will always be blessed.  In reality, the righteous will at least receive some of their rewards here on earth with it being completed in eternity. 
  • Again, how we would want to see the wicked sinners receive their punishment on the earth as well.  While that happens a lot, there will be times when the wicked seem to escape any punishment.  But, never fear - God has seen everything - good and bad  - and judgment will ALWAYS come to everyone.  No one escapes God's final judgment - good or bad.  

That's it for today!





Pastor Joyce Erickson


Written by Pastor Joyce A. Erickson

Believers Bible School, Founder