Proverbs - Chapter 21

The Lord Examines Our Heart. A verse-by-verse study on the Book of Proverbs.

Moments in Proverbs

Proverbs - Chapter 21

Proverbs 21:1  The king’s heart is like a stream of water directed by the Lord; he guides it wherever he pleases.

King Solomon was speaking of himself here, and he probably taught kings of other nations these same words, in that God guides the heart of the king like a flowing river, turning it where He pleases, and through the king, God can guide the hearts of the people.  This placed King Solomon in a very powerful and responsible position over Israel and every surrounding nation where the kings received wisdom from Solomon.

  • This demonstrates to us how one man, a leader among men, can change the heart of nations (plural) of people - even those whose core belief is not of God, but other man!
  • God is always looking for a man or woman who is willing to follow after God, no matter what.  God can use even one person to change the hearts of nations of people.
  • How about you?  Are you willing to be that one person to follow after God, no matter what?  God wants to use you to advance the Kingdom of God.   

2 People may be right in their own eyes, but the Lord examines their heart.

Man without God thinks their ways are the best, based on their upbringing and their experiences in life.  They justify their behavior, looking down on others if they think differently than others.  Pride sets in and man is confident that his way is the right way.  That is not God's ways, however!

  • Christians are not without fault here as well.  Just because we have accepted the Lord in our heart, that does not mean that we are walking in His ways.  We can be sincere in our belief, but without it being Word and God directed, more than likely, we walk in some sort of deception.   All this to say is everyone is indoctrinated in some way, and God hates wrong indoctrination because it violates the Word of God.  

God examines our heart, knowing where our thinking does not align itself to God's Word.  This is why it is so critical to renew our minds according to the will of God (Rom 12:2).  Remember, first comes knowledge!  Then having the indwelling Holy Spirit, He begins to show us truth and where we have erred in our life.  Again, we come back to "first comes knowledge, then understanding, then we can purpose to apply God's wisdom to our life.

3 The Lord is more pleased when we do what is right and just than when we offer him sacrifices.

This scripture verse was spoken to the Israelites who lived under the Law.  The Mosaic Law commanded that when an Israelite sinned, the man of the household took a particular animal and brought it before the brazen altar to offer blood sacrifices for the sin or sins committed.  The blood sacrifice then meant to cover over the sins of the person, or household, and they would be forgiven. 

  • Sadly, what happened over a period of time was - the people purposely set out to sin first, enjoying it with the intention of later bringing their sacrifices to the altar, thinking they would be forgiven. 
  • God, however, was telling them that their sacrifices are an abomination to Him because God desires that his people obey Him with love and kindness toward others as the Law commands.  Then, and only when they disobey the Law, would they humbly bring a sacrifice to the brazen altar for covering of sin and forgiveness.

How then can we, as New Covenant believers apply this scripture to our life?  We know that we do not have to bring blood sacrifices to an altar to have forgiveness of sins.  Jesus died on the cross to become our eternal sacrifice for our sins.  He does want us, however, to humbly come to Him in repentance when we have sinned, asking for forgiveness of our sins.  As such, He cleanses (not covers up) and forgives us of our sin because He sees that our heart is right before Him.

  • Just like the Israelites did in the twisting of the Law, there are Christians who go out and do their sinning first, with the intentions of coming to God later to ask for forgiveness.  That is no different that what the Israelites did to get around the sin issue.  That is called cheap grace, and an abomination to God.  God wants us to come to Him with a humble repentant heart asking for forgiveness, seeking never to do that sin again.

    1 John 1:9  If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

        Remember, God examines our heart, knowing the motives of our heart.

Haughty eyes, a proud heart, and evil actions are all sin.

Often a proud heart is displayed through a haughty look.  That look comes from a heart which thinks oneself superior over others.  The world is full of people like that!  That is a sin.

  • Confidence in oneself, however, is something different where a confident person walks tall and with purpose, but there is love and kindness even in their facial expressions.   

The proud and haughty person thinks only of himself and looks at life as to whatever works for him - even to a point of putting others down.

  • The confident person, however, looks at the world with different eyes.  As a confident believer in Christ, one walks upright knowing God has their back, they are on the right path that God is leading them down, and their purpose in life is to bring love and kindness to others.

One is a sin against God, man and himself, and the other is the one whom God considered righteous.

5 Good planning and hard work lead to prosperity, but hasty shortcuts lead to poverty.

Here again, we have the difference between a diligent person and a sluggard.  Good planning and hard work does lead to prosperity.  In whatever you put your mind and plow to, you WILL yield a harvest.  Sluggards look for ways to get out of work, cut corners, and end up losing in the end.  Sluggards are lazy and definitely shows the world they are not interested in getting ahead in life.

Wealth created by a lying tongue is a vanishing mist and a deadly trap.

A lying tongue comes out of a deceptive, dishonest heart who is willing to gain wealth at the cost of others.  While the world is full of these kind of people, they are the deceived in thinking their treasures gained will bring them happiness and security.  It is, however, a treasure filled with traps that lead to eternal death. 

  • Ill-gotten gains is a momentary pleasure and an abomination against God.  This kind of happiness and security can only last so long because eventually their wealth will leave them and they will then be lost without it.  If they are able attain it, they will have to protect it at all cost, which brings more evil, filled with a life of inner shame, unhappiness and misfortune in other ways because they were deceptive in their motives to protect what they have.  It's end result will become just like King Solomon's in that he ended his life filled with regrets, having to live with his guilty conscience, followed by a final judgment from God for the sins he committed. 

The violence of the wicked sweeps them away, because they refuse to do what is just.

The wicked love violence and use it for their gain.  They prey off of the innocent, taking pleasure in the pain of others.  This is an abomination against others and an abomination against God.  Because of their wickedness they will be judged by what they do and what they don't do, as well as the motives of the heart. They will reap what they have sown, and fall into the judgment of God.  

The guilty walk a crooked path; the innocent travel a straight road.

There are two roads to travel in life - your way or God's way.  One path is filled with sin and leads to destruction and final judgment by God.  The other path is filled with righteousness and leads to God and eternal peace and joy with Him. Our path will be the fruit of our lives and visible by all.  The choice is ours.

It’s better to live alone in the corner of an attic than with a quarrelsome wife in a lovely home.

During Bible times, the home belong to the man.  He went out to seek out a wife; whereas the woman then became the property of her husband.  The duties of the wife were to honor, obey and serve her husband, keeping peace and order in the home.  This scripture then spoke to the wife stating she must have a quiet and meak spirit, making the home a pleasant place to live for everyone.

So then, how do we apply this scripture to us today as New Covenant believers?  Jesus stated that everyone is equal in the eyes of God (Gal 3:28), and the woman was to come alongside of her husband as one, not being the property of anyone (Eph 5:31).

  • While there are exceptions to the rule, the woman generally sets the tone for peace in her home.  While she needs the cooperation of every member of the family, the wife and mother can make her house into a wonderful home of peace and contentment or she can neglect her family and home to where it simply is a house where people live in.  
  • Nobody wants to live in a contentious home, so we must all guard to live in peace and contentment wherever we are.  Our homes are the places where we seem to allow our guard to come down, however, this is the place where we have to guard our hearts the most so that we don't quarrel and fight with those we love the most.  Therefore, we can say of this verse that it is better to live alone in the corner of an attic in peace than with a quarrelsome person in a lovely home. .

10 Evil people desire evil; their neighbors get no mercy from them.

When a wicked man or woman does evil, it is because their their heart desires to do evil.  The fruit of their lives shows the world that Satan is in control of their life.  Most people  do not like being around evil people unless they are evil themselves.  They cannot be trusted because evil reigns in their life.  Be careful of those kind of people who do not get along with good people. 

11 If you punish a mocker, the simpleminded become wise; if you instruct the wise, they will be all the wiser.

This is a repeat verse from an earlier chapter.  Again, there is a difference between the scoffer and the simple minded.  The scoffer's is so heart hardened to where he or she will not listen to any instruction given them.  They refuse to comply and only want their way. 

  • The simple, on the other hand doesn't always have the ability to understand instruction. They often have to be instructed as a command for them to obey.  When the scoffer is punished, however, the simple minded will take notice and become wiser as they see the scoffer experience their punishment, knowing they do not want that to happen to them.
  • The wise know when godly instruction of knowledge is given to them, and as such, will comply knowing it is the best thing for them.  As such, they will become wiser.

12 The Righteous One knows what is going on in the homes of the wicked; he will bring disaster on them.

God, as THE Righteous One, knows the heart of all men.  He examines the house of the wicked and nothing escapes Him.  God will allow the sowing and reaping process to take effect to where there will be a day when judgment will come upon them and they, individually, will be judged accordingly for what they have done.  Whatever judgment they receive, it will be fitting of their deeds.  

13 Those who shut their ears to the cries of the poor will be ignored in their own time of need.

God has compassion on the poor.  Jesus said in the Book of Luke that we will always have the poor among us; therefore, we need to have a heart willing to reach out to those who are suffering in poverty.  If we have it to give, give accordingly as God lays it upon your heart. 

  • If we, however, harden our heart to the poor, the sowing and reaping process works in all men.  We all have times of need, and if we want God to reach out to us in our time of need, we need to reach out to the poor in their time of need.

14 A secret gift calms anger; a bribe under the table pacifies fury.

This also is a repeat of another verse laid out in a little different way.  Giving a gift to someone who is anger does have the ability to calm the angry person down.  Given in secret takes away the embarrassment of opening it up in front of others.  This has been effective in many situations to bring about reconciliation.  

  • A bribe under the table, however, may be morally questionable, but it can work with a corrupt leader.  It does not make it right, it is just the reality of how things are done in many circles.

15 Justice is a joy to the godly, but it terrifies evildoers.

Godly people love justice, for that is a key to leading a life free from conflict and oppression.  When someone has been violated by some evil, there is on the inner part of man a need for justice to satisfy the soul.  Sadly, the ones who do evil will keep doing evil unless or until justice comes in to take over.  When it does, those who have done evil will fear justice, for they know judgment will come to them for their evil ways.   Justice is a good thing for all people, and a way to keep the evil doer from bringing destruction on the innocent.  God knows the heart of all men, and in the end, everyone will have to face God for their life. 

  • There are two or more books that will be open before the throne of God where all men will stand individually to be judged by God.  

    • Book #1 is the Book of Life.  Only those whose name is written in this book will be allowed to enter into heaven.  That will be those who accepted Jesus, God's Son, as their personal Lord and Savior.  Those whose name is not written in this Book of Life will be cast into the Eternal Lake of Fire for all eternity (Rev 21:15).
    • Book #2 is the Book of Deeds.  Everyone's name, along with everything they did in this life is written down in this book - saved and unsaved individuals.  Each individual will be judged by how they treated mankind and followed what God had asked of them.  Those who go to heaven will receive their rewards based on what is in this book.  Those who go to the Eternal Lake of Fire for all eternity will be individually judged by what is in this book as well.  They will be punished according to their deeds.  To what measure, only God knows!  (Eccl 12:14; Rom 2:6; Rev 20:12).  

16 The person who strays from common sense will end up in the company of the dead.

Or, as the NKJV says - a man who wanders from the way of understanding...

There are two paths a person can walk down.  One follows the way of understanding of the wise and the other wanders according to what that person desires or purpose to walk.  In other words, walks according to the flesh.  One path leads to life and the other to destruction that leads to death.

  • That points out the importance of the path we take can altar our life, or even be a matter of life and death.

17 Those who love pleasure become poor; those who love wine and luxury will never be rich.

To find success and prosperity in life, a person must have developed discipline and self control over themselves.  On the other hand, one who loves pleasure does not have the discipline or self control over their lives when it comes to the pleasures in life.  They will never prosper in life because of it.

  • These pleasures include money and intoxicating drink.  We studied the dangers of intoxicating drink in Proverbs 20:1.  It's a thorough study and one that every Christians should pay attention to.

18  The wicked are punished in place of the godly, and traitors in place of the honest.

Ultimately, the godly will triumph over the wicked and the honest person over the traitors who lied and used others for personal gain. 

  • God's promise to us is that the righteous will never be forsaken, nor his children begging for bread (Psm 37:25). 
  • How often we have wondered whether God will show up.  While His timing is different than ours, God always takes care of His righteous. 
  • So often the wicked fall ito the very traps they set up for the righteous.  A biblical example of that is wicked Hamen with righteous Mordacai in the Book of Esther when Hamen had the gallows built to hang Mordacai.  At the last minute, the evil deeds of Hamen were discovered and Hamen hung on the very gallows he built to hang Mordacai.
  • Here again is where we put our trust in the Lord and we can't lean on our own understanding.
  • Whether in this life or the next, the wicked will always be punished.

19 It’s better to live alone in the desert than with a quarrelsome, complaining wife.

In a verse in the last chapter, it was taught the importance of the role of a woman.  She is the one who makes a house into a home.  

  • Just a reminder of when this scripture verse was written is when men picked out their own wives to where she did not have a say in the matter.  She became the property of her husband.  The woman could make the best of the situation or cause nothing but strife in the home.
  • God's intentions all along was the woman was to become a help mate to her husband.  New Covenant teaching shows that Jesus considered male and female equal in the sight of God.  Gal 3:28  There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus (NIV).  Either way, the role of the woman, as well as the man, is to make her or his house into a home of peace and joy.

20 The wise have wealth and luxury, but fools spend whatever they get.

The wise person operates in the wisdom of God, leading a life of peace and joy.  Often that comes with material things because they have the wisdom to know how to get wealth, in whatever form that may take.  One thing for sure, the wise person will always have his needs met.

  • The fool, on the other hand, doesn't know how to save up for a rainy day, but instead squanders it on foolish things that satisfy his temporal desires.

21 Whoever pursues righteousness and unfailing love will find life, righteousness, and honor.

Again, we all choose the path we take in our life.  Trusting in the Lord, allowing Him to lead the way leads to life, righteousness and honor.  This is the path of wisdom.  It may initially seem like the more difficult path to follow, while fools may scorn you; however, in time, it will be the easier path because life will become much more peaceful and full of life.

22 The wise conquer the city of the strong and level the fortress in which they trust.

During the days of these writings, it was common for cities to conquer over other cities in order to rule over them.  King Solomon is telling us that the wise person has been given the ability to overcome difficult obstacles, even the heavily guarded walls of a city of the strong and mighty through strategy or strength.

Examining our spiritual life, we also battle against strongholds in our life.  Through wisdom in the knowledge of the Word of God, we can break down those walls of the enemy as he purposes to rob, kill and destroy those who oppose him.  

  • Ephesians 6 teaches us how to put on the armor of God so that we can stand and overcome the strongholds of Satan.  We spiritually
    • 1) gird our loins with truth by only allowing God and His truth to enter into our heart
    • 2) put on the breastplate of righteousess, by living a life of righteousness
    • 3) shod our feet with the preparation of the Gospel of peace, purposing to bring peace wherever we go
    • 4) put on the helmet of salvation by only allowing words into our minds that brings salvation to our spirit, soul, and body
    • 5) take the sword of the spirit, which is the Word of God.  We plant the Word of God into our heart.

As such, we keep pushing back the forces of the enemy as we fight the battle against Satan as soldiers of the cross.

23 Watch your tongue and keep your mouth shut, and you will stay out of trouble.

What we say is important, for we know that out of the heart the mouth speaks.  If our heart has anything in it that is not pleasing to God, we need to guard our hearts because if we don't, the enemy will use our mouth to speak forth what is in our heart.  Therefore, we need to always put into our heart that which is pleasing to the Lord. 

24 Mockers are proud and haughty; they act with boundless arrogance.

There are a lot of fools in the world, but the worst of all the fools around is the one who mocks, or scoffs at others while they make a fool of themselves.  They are proud and haughty, thinking theselves better than those they mock.  While they are arrogantly mocking others, they display to everyone how much of a fool they really are. 

25 Despite their desires, the lazy will come to ruin, for their hands refuse to work.

The lazy man, like others, have desires of what they want for themselves because everyone dreams of something they want.  The problem with the lazy man is that he doesn't have the initiative or the gumption to get up and do those desires.  As such, his life will be disatified over and over again. 

  • The tendency will be to blame others for his lack of ambition, while all along it is him who refuses to get up or follow through to complete what he had in his heart to complete.
  • Self pity and loathe will set in his heart and the "whoa is me" syndrome will take over his thinking pattern.
  • Eventually, he will come to ruin for his lack of ambition to complete what was in his heart to fulfill.  

26 Some people are always greedy for more, but the godly love to give!

Then there is the greedy person who always want more and more.  He covets what others have, and may work extra hard to have more than they have.  He will hoard what he has, always seeking to get more.  The problem here is this kind of person will not be satisfied because the heart is in the wrong place, not willing to share with others what he is able to give.

  • The godly does not seek to have more than others, but to share with others of what they do have.  That gives a real sense of fulfillment for being able to help out others who have need.

27 The sacrifice of an evil person is detestable, especially when it is offered with wrong motives.

It was brought out in another verse that it is better to obey God than to give sacrifices.  Doing a religious ceremony of bringing a blood sacrifice for the covering of their sins is an abomination to God.  

  • Again, God knows the intents of the heart.  When someone purposes to sin, knowing they can always bring a blood sacrifice to win some spiritual favor with God to offset it, that sacrifice is not acceptable to God.  He considers it an abomination.
  • But when someone comes to God in genuine repentance, God sees, and then his blood sacrifice was acceptable  Again, God sees and knows the intents of our heart.

Today, we live under grace because of Jesus shedding His blood on the cross as our eternal sacrifice for our sins.  We don't need to bring any sacrifice to Christ, but He does not want a repentant heart to come to Him, humbly saying "I am sorry, Lord."

28 A false witness will be cut off, but a credible witness will be allowed to speak.

A false witness is a liar in a court of law - one who is willing to let someone be unjustly punished or unjustly let go to freedom.  When that happens, the people know.  They know that justice was not served, and the need for justice will continue until it is served.

  • A credible witness, on the other hand, speaks forth truth.  Justice is then done and the people are satisfied, knowing that truth prevailed.

29 The wicked bluff their way through, but the virtuous think before they act.

The wicked's motive is self centeredness, not caring about others - only themselves.  They are not kind toward others, and their very demere' is exposes to others around.  To those who have need, the wicked are hardened against them.  

  • The virtuous, on the other hand considers others in their decision making.  They are wise, giving out to those in need, and are kind and friendly toward others. 

30 No human wisdom or understanding or plan can stand against the Lord.

Who can stand against the Lord?  To even try is foolish and futile.  It is a losing battle to stand before the Almighty God.  There is no amount of wisdom or cunning deceit that will win against God.  

  • The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, which in time can lead to godly wisdom.  Once one acquires God's wisdom, that person has learned to humble himself before the Almighty God, for He is our Creator, the maker of heaven and earth.
  • The best of human wisdom can never compare to that of God.

31 The horse is prepared for the day of battle, but the victory belongs to the Lord.

During the days of Solomon, both men and horses were trained for battle.  A war horse was a highly skilled horse was strong and able to endure everything its soldier required of him.   Many wars were won due to the strength of the horses.

  • The Lord is assuring the people that even if both soldier and horse were strong and prepared for battle, the Lord still determined who becomes the victor.
  • A perfect example was the Israelites when they came in to conquer the promised land of Canaan.  None of them had horses or even the best of weapons.  Even so, God gave them the victory.

We have completed chapter 21 - a chapter that has brought forth a lot of meditating proverbs.  May these words carry you through today as you meditate on what God has brought before you today in the Book of Proverbs.

God bless!

Pastor Joyce Erickson

Written by Pastor Joyce A. Erickson

Believers Bible School, Founder