Proverbs - Chapter 16

What Happens When We Make Our Own Plans? A verse-by-verse study on the 16th chapter of Proverbs.

The Book of Proverbs Chapter 16

In today's video I want to incorporate verse one with verse nine to show us how man can plan and struggle in his own choices, but it is still the Lord who knows and allows everything to happen. 

  • While we may not understand all of God's ways, and I don't really think we want to know, we must put our trust in Him and His ways, giving Him free reign to guide us on the path that He has chosen for our life. 
  • That is how we can live life contently, and be happy no matter what our circumstances bring us.  But, just know that ultimately God wins in the end, and we, as God's family win along with Him. 

Proverbs 16:1  We can make our own plans, but the Lord gives the right answer.

Prov 16:9  We can make our plans, but the Lord determines our steps.

  • Man can make all his own choices, plans and pursuits without the Lord in whatever way he wants; however, the Lord has the last say.  When all is said and done, God still watches over the world and individual lives, and nothing goes on without His knowledge or permission.  We may not understand it at the time, our faith and trust needs to be in operation in spite of our lack of understanding.  When evil is persistant, God only allows it to persist just so long before He intervenes. 
  • For God's children - those who follow in His ways, wisdom tells us that our plans and purposes should be guided by Him.  While we don't have all of God's vision and reasoning laid out before us, and His plans may vary from what we had envisioned, God still guides our path and we know the path we are on is prepared by Him even though it can get a little wavy at times.  As such, we continue to trust Him in all our ways, just as Proverbs 3:5-6 say:  Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding.  Then in all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your path.

People may be pure in their own eyes, but the Lord examines their motives.

  • We have all seen and heard people justifying their behavior over and over again, and unless asked, most of us generally don't say anything to them.  As Christians, even we fall guilty of justifying our behavior at times.  The reality is that we all have blind spots to where we even deceive ouselves - most of us not intentionally; therefore, we cannot fully evaluate ourselves correctly.  
  • The Lord knows the motives of all of our hearts, and when we are blindly walking in our own deception, we may not even know it.  So then, isn't it important to go to the Lord regularly asking Him to reveal anything in us that He wants to change?  In addition, it is also important that we all have wise godly counsel around us to help us see any blind spots in us.

3 Commit your actions to the Lord,  and your plans will succeed.

  • How often have you had it in your head to do something and then you go about figuring out how it is going to be done.  Often, it is this figuring out is where so many Christians go to the Lord on how to do what they want to do.  Shouldn't it be just the opposite?  Here, King Solomon is saying that we need to commit first whatever it is that we want to do.  Let God direct you to whatever that something is.  When you do, all those plans will have been His, not yours.  He will then guide you each step of the way and your plans will succeed.  Just the opposite of what most Christians do!  Again, apply Proverbs 3:5-6 to our lives - trust Him, even if you don't understand, in everything acknowledge Him as Lord over your life, and then follow where He leads you.

The Lord has made everything for his own purposes, even the wicked for a day of disaster.

  • God, as the Creator of all mankind has the right to adjust all situations and all people to accomplish His plans and purpose on earth.  God uses the wicked and the righteous, such as Pharoah being the wicked and Moses being the righteous.  In using both, the Israelites were delivered out of Egypt.  God uses believers and unbelievers, even wicked people in high places for His purposes even today.  He is our Creator, and that is His right for He works all things out for good according to His purpose.
  • God's plans and providence includes the past, present and the future, here on earth, as well as the eternal dwelling place for all people's based on their own personal choices. 

    • It isn't that God foreordains and predestines all men to their eternal future; it means God foresees into the future of all mankind, and as such, knows their choices, and adjusts situations to fit into His plans and purposes.  

The Lord detests the proud;  they will surely be punished.

  • Again, as has been brought out several times, God hates pride (Jms 4:61 Pet 5:5), and regards it as an abomination.  Even though the prideful join forces together, God is fully aware of their actions and will judge them according to His righteousness, both here on earth and at their eternal judgment. 

Unfailing love and faithfulness make atonement for sin. By fearing the Lord, people avoid evil.  When people’s lives please the Lord, even their enemies are at peace with them.

  • John 3:16 tells us that Jesus died for the sins of the world, and that whoever believes (relies and have faith and trust) in Him will be saved and have eternal life with Him.  This assures us that God then has provided the atonement for sin for all of mankind. 
  • Proverbs tells us that the fear of the LORD is not only the beginning of wisdom (Prov. 1:7; 9:10), it is also the foundation to a life that pleases God.  To live in the fear of the LORD then is to depart from evil
  • Wise people - those who choose to walk in the fear of the Lord - even have the ability to be at peace with angry or opposing people because they purpose to walk in gentle peace and harmony with all men as they are being led by the Holy Spirit. 

Better to have little, with godliness, than to be rich and dishonest. 9  We can make our plans, but the Lord determines our steps. 

  • The point of this verse is to say it is better to have little with the Lord and His godliness reigning in our life than to be rich, being dishonest and evil.  While these are two extremes, with most of us falling somewhere in between these extremes, I think we get the picture.
  • We may not know all the reasons for the why's of this life, and I don't think we want to know, but let's take a closer look here. Why then are some good godly people poor and why are some evil wicked people so rich.   King Solomon is speaking here of material wealth, but wealth comes in a lot of different forms in our life.
    • One can be materially poor and still have the joy of the Lord operating in their life, filled with the love of family and friends, as well as a hundred other things the righteous enjoy.  That person can have riches beyond measure, yet be materially poor. 
    • Or one can be rich and be miserable, refusing the blessings that God has to offer struggling through life on their own.  They will do whatever it takes to keep their wealth while family and friends suffer.  Life is filled with envy, hate, and suffering and  many other negative things that life has a way of providing.  The world may not see what is going on behind the scenes, but that is what often happens.  In these cases, it is so much better to have little and be happy than have a lot and be miserable.

I am convinced that God has placed each one of us in this time in history, in the family He chose for us - rich or poor.  We were not born in 1000 A.D. or B.C.  He placed you here today for a reason.  God has planned for each one of us to be used for His plans and purposes today in the life that we live in - in this time in history.  Then with God's help, what we do with what we got then is up to us.    

  • We can make all kinds of plans to get rich and have the finer things in life, but it still the Lord who determines our steps.  If God wants you to have material riches, He will lead you in that direction by blessing you with the gift of the ability to learn the knowledge, understand and apply the wisdom, having the gumption, or the drive, and He will provide the right opportunities for you to apply all of that to obtain that wealth.  And in that, you will be content as the Lord and you work together to have plenty so then you can give to those in need.  That way, God provides for His own whether they are rich or poor.
  • I'm reminded of the Scripture verse where the Apostle Paul says in Phil 4:12  I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want.  In other words, be happy in what you have and make the best of every situation you are in. 

For those wealthy and who hoard their money for themselves and do not use their money in the sharing for the good of mankind, just remember, God knows, and He has allowed them to have that kind of wealth for whatever is His reasoning.  They, however, will be responsible to God for what they do with what He has given them and will be judged accordingly.  Since God's plans and purposes are in force, even in the wealthy who chose to use their wealth contrary to the Word of God, they are the losers in the end. 

  • As God's people, whether we are rich or poor, or somewhere in between, let's let God direct our path by putting our faith and trust in Him just as Proverbs 3:5-6 says. Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding.  Then in all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your path.  
  • With God's leading you, wherever you are at, in whatever situation you are in, just like the Apostle Paul tells us, you will discover the secret of being content in life.  

We already compared verse 9 with verse 1, so let's go to verse 10.

Proverbs 16:10  The king speaks with divine wisdom;  he must never judge unfairly.

King Solomon is speaking here of himself as well as those pagan kings and leaders in authority of other nations who came to hear his proverbs.  In the NKJV this verse says Divination is on the lips of the king; His mouth must not transgress in judgment. 

  • In other words, King Solomon was telling them that judgment given out should never be unjust or unfair.  The king should judge fairly to all of those under his authority.

11 The Lord demands accurate scales and balances; he sets the standards for fairness.

  • King Solomon continues to tell them how to run the affairs of their country in a godly manner.  It is pleasing to God to run the business of the country in fairness, and in measures of finances it must be done fairly.  All wealth, he is telling them belongs to the Lord, and His ways are honest, fair, and true.  Proper measurements come from God and that is how leaders should conduct the affairs of their kingdom. 

12 A king detests wrongdoing, for his rule is built on justice.

King Solomon then stated that it is an abomination for kings to commit wickedness, and that his throne should be established by righteousness, as the NKJV states.  Their throne should be built on justice.

  • While King Solomon was giving out godly advise in his golden years to other nations, it is a travesty that these very words that he spoke to these pagan kings of other nations ended up being the very behavior that he violated in the later years of his reign. 

13 The king is pleased with words from righteous lips; he loves those who speak honestly.

  • Many times leaders, whether it is a president, king, or others in authority - those surrounding him, such as advisors, use mere flattery to gain favor for themselves.  That is wrong. 
  • Everybody want to hear encouraging words given to them, but for them who speak lies of soothing words, they become like parasites to their leader whom they are called to serve.  Most leaders want to know the truth, even though they don't necessarily want to be told the truth by those under them; however, if the truth can be given in such a way that will not be offensive, it can be received much more easily.  That way, the one who spoke the truth will hopefully gain the respect from the king or the one who is in authority.

14 The anger of the king is a deadly threat; the wise will try to appease it

  • As King Solomon continued, he pointed out that when a king is angry, his actions or reactions could unfairly bring death to the one standing in front of him.  If those kings took King Solomon's advice as written in verses 10-12, anger would have to leave before one of his subjects stook before him awaiting judgment if he is going to judge them fairly.
  • A wise person, having the wisdom of God will attempt to appease the wrath of the king with the purpose of settling down his anger in order to be fairly treated. 

15 When the king smiles, there is life; his favor refreshes like a spring rain.

  • When someone faced a king, it was a fearful thing.  To then see the king smile means he was probably pleased with you and you had his approval.  If you were the one who spoke truth to him and he smiled, that would be refreshing like a spring rain.  If, however, you were a subject standing in judgment before the king, it would not only be refreshing, but it could be a matter of life or death.   

16 How much better to get wisdom than gold, and good judgment than silver!

King Solomon concludes his instruction on how to run a kingdom to these pagan kings of other nations by telling them that wisdom and understanding is worth far more than gold or silver.

  • He compares with gold and silver with, as the NKJV states understanding.  It is better to have wisdom and understanding than gold or silver.  It is much more profitable for a king, or really, for anyone in life. 
  • In other words, it is much better to seek understanding and wisdom than to seek after gold or silver. 

As was previously brought out in other chapters, if one wants to get material wealth, then one needs the wisdom of God to properly obtain it and wisely use it.  And was brought out in the beginning of this chapter, God desires for those having wealth to help those in need.  That way, everyone is content!

Then in keeping with these previous verses here on instructions for kings, as well as this whole chapter from our last video on obtaining wealth and the rich and poor,  I am not suggesting socialism as some governments force upon people that equalizes wealth, which generally come from the middle class people and the rich scheme around the laws to keep what they have.  I strongly believe in capitalization to work for what you need and want.  What I am saying here is if God leads you to obtain wealth, He will provide the opportunities and means to obtain it.  The two of you are working together.  Then when someone is in need, let the Lord direct you to whom to give to help someone in need. 

  • In spite of all that we learned here about weath, wisdom and understanding is still far better than gold or silver.   
  • It is much more profitable for kings, as well as you or I.  It is much better to seek understanding and wisdom than to seek after gold or silver. 

17  The path of the virtuous leads away from evil; whoever follows that path is safe.

  • The virtuous or upright are wise men and women who know that their path in life is to avoid evil when it comes their way.  They don't run toward it, but away from it, clinging to the path that Jesus has us on - for that path is safe.  
18 Pride goes before destruction, and haughtiness before a fall. 19 Better to live humbly with the poor than to share plunder with the proud
  • To repeat, Proverbs 16:5 tells us that everyone who is proud in their heart is an abomination to the Lord (Prov 16:5) and they will not go unpunished. 
  • In I Peter 5:5, our Bibles tell us that God resists and is set against the proud, therefore, those who walk in pride are on their own in their own sin and destined to fall into destruction and death.  Whenever anyone travels life on their own, they are, in reality, being led by Satan and they will fall (Prov 16:5).  They certain do not walk humbly and fearfully before the Lord.
  • One of the ways that pride shows itself in people is through a haughty spirit, which is when someone shows an attitude that displays superiority over others, thinking themselves better than them.  They are not pleasant people to be around.
  • How much better, God says, to be of a humble spirit, than keep company or share in the treasures of the proud. 

20 Those who listen to instruction will prosper; those who trust the Lord will be joyful.  21 The wise are known for their understanding, and pleasant words are persuasive.  22 Discretion is a life-giving fountain to those who possess it, but discipline is wasted on fools.  23 From a wise mind comes wise speech; the words of the wise are persuasive.  

  • If this wasn't so important, King Solomon wouldn't keep repeating its importance to where it needs continuous repeating. 
  • Everything begins by applying Proverbs 3:5-6 to our lives in that we trust in the Lord for Him to direct our paths. 
  • Then to find that path, we search His Word to get His knowledge for our lives.  The NKJV uses the word discretion as in verse 22 as "understanding."  We know that to have understanding, we must first acquire knowledge - the knowledge of God in His Word.  When we listen to God's instruction, purposing to understand what He is teaching us, it is like a life-giving fountain to those who possess it.  It teaches how to love God and love others, live life the way God wants us to live, how to interact with others, how to raise our children, along with hundreds of other important things we need to know in order to live a successful life on this earth as well as bring forth eternal life with God. 
  • Sadly, fools want nothing to do with God's wisdom, and to try to correct them would be foolish - as a waste of time because they would refuse to take correction and will only continue in their folly.
  • The best thing we can do is pray for them for God to work in their lives to change the heart of the fool.  Only God knows whether they will change to better themselves in God or become bitter in the pawns of Satan who has set out to destroy them.  Only God knows their heart, and when we pray, He knows how best to reach that person or even they are unreachable.  Either way, we need to put them in the hands of the Lord.

24 Kind words are like honey—sweet to the soul and healthy for the body.  

  • When we follow the path the Lord has chosen for us, we can never go wrong.  We become wise and will prosper because we are following the leading of the Lord.  Joy fills our hearts regardless of our circumstances because the Lord has our back and we can trust that He knows exactly what is right for our lives.  The wisdom that is displayed in the wise will be noticed by others, for the words that come out of their mouth are pleasant to the hearers as they are guided by common sense - God sense.  
  • Kind words are sweet as honey, bringing life and health to our spirit, soul, and body.
  • Who wouldn't want to learn the wonderful ways the Lord wants us to live.
25 There is a path before each person that seems right, but it ends in death.
  • This verse is a repeat of Proverbs 14:12 showing us again the importance that we choose the right path to follow.  Everyone chooses their own path in life according to what seems right to them.  Most people choose the path they want for themselves; however, it may not be the path that God has chosen for us.  Again, we need to trust in the Lord, not leaning on our own understanding as Proverbs 3:5-6 tells us.  When we trust in the Lord, following Him on His path, it is the path of life. 
  • But for those who choose their own way without leaning on the Lord, it is the way of destruction that leads to death.

26 It is good for workers to have an appetite; an empty stomach drives them on.

  • It is amazing the power of the hunger of an empty stomach and how it can drive a man to work when nothing else will drive him to work like an empty stomach.  

27 Scoundrels create trouble; their words are a destructive blaze.  28 A troublemaker plants seeds of strife; gossip separates the best of friends.

  • A dishonest or unscrupulous person is one who creates trouble and spread it to others like a destructive fire.  Their disonest minds love to sow strife like a farmer who  sows seed in the ground.  All this to say is where there is strife, it take someone unscrupulously sowing the strife.  Planting seeds of gossip spreads like a fire, spreading maliciously and it hurts people to where it can separate the best of friends.  

29 Violent people mislead their companions, leading them down a harmful path.  30 With narrowed eyes, people plot evil; with a smirk, they plan their mischief.

  • Again, you becomes like the company you keep.  If you are a fool or wicked, chances are your friends are the same way because you feed off of each other.  You, meaning them, plot and plan their mischief, and because of their numbers they feel strong in their wickedness smirking and smiling in their destruction.  As such, they all are on the same path that leads to destruction and death. 

31 Gray hair is a crown of glory; it is gained by living a godly life.

  • In past years and ages past, white, silver or gray hair has represented wisdom in the elderly because they have been seen as having the wisdom and experiences of life.  As such, their hair was considered a crown of glory, and they were honored and respected as such.  The sad truth is that age itself does not make all elder people better and certainly not godlier; however, there is still truth to those elders who have walked with God for a long time, for they have had a long time of walking in the wisdom of God.
  • I am a elderly woman with white hair seeking out God's truth through His Word.  Where I fit in, well...I just know that what I desire is to be that Godly woman portrayed here in Proverbs, walking in the wisdom of God in all areas of my life.  I am, however, still a work in progress, under construction like everyone of you.

32 Better to be patient than powerful; better to have self-control than to conquer a city.

  • For the person who is patient and slow to anger, that is the person who can rule his or her own spirit.  If people could only understand how much power there is in self-control, which really means God controlled, according Galatians 5:22-23.  By living the fruit of the Spirit,  as we rely on and obey the direction of the indwelling Holy Spirit within, self control or God control is worth far more than anything or anyone who thinks he had the power to conquer a city.

33 We may throw the dice, but the Lord determines how they fall.

  • Under the Old Covenant, only a prophet of God could bring forth the Word of God as the Lord spoke to him.  When a prophet was not around, the people then cast lots to determine the decision of the Lord through the High Priest who carried on his chest two stones called the urim and the thummin, one being black and the other white.  He would shake the stones which was referred to as casting lots.  The belief was that however the lots were cast determined the mind of the Lord. 
  • Since the Day of Pentecost, when the Holy Spirit came to indwell believers, it was no longer necessary to cast lots because each believer had the indwelling Holy Spirit to speak to them.  

Praise God, we do not have to cast lots to hear from God.  We do not need a high priest, we don't need the prophets, and we certainly don't need to have stones to throw to hear from God.  We have the indwelling Holy Spirit living in us because Jesus promised that when He ascended back to heaven, He promised to send us His Holy Spirit to dwell within our hearts.  He now lives within believers and we can go to God 24/7.  We have God living within us.  We can talk to God anytime.  How blessed we are.

 God bless!

Pastor Joyce Erickson




Written by Pastor Joyce A. Erickson

Believers Bible School, Founder